Der Band liefert eine Bestandsaufnahme der deutschen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung aus historischer, volkerrechtlicher, politik- und kulturwissenschaftlicher wie naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Friedens- und Konfliktforschung thematisiert ein Politikfeld von brennender Aktualitat. Nur eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise, basierend auf dem fachubergreifenden Dialog, vermag in der Zukunft, Ansatze zu einem pragmatischen Forschungsfortschritt zu entwickeln und zu politisch/gesellschaftlichen Losungen beizutragen. Renommierte Autoren aus den genannten Disziplinen liefern hierzu neue...
Der Band liefert eine Bestandsaufnahme der deutschen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung aus historischer, volkerrechtlicher, politik- und kulturwissensch...
In October 1999, some fifteen academic experts and government practitio ners from Germany and North America gathered for two days at the Uni ver sity of Augsburg to discuss the topic of "Constitutional Reform and Consti tutional Jurisprudence in Canada and the United States." The present volume documents the results of that conference, a collaborative effort of the De partment of Political Science, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and the Institute for Canadian Studies, University of Augsburg. In organizing this workshop, we were guided by two basic sets of ideas and assumptions: First, all...
In October 1999, some fifteen academic experts and government practitio ners from Germany and North America gathered for two days at the Uni ver sity ...
From the perspectives of the political sciences as well as literature and language studies, this volume looks comparatively at Canadian and European constellations of cultural and linguistic diversity. By so doing, it takes Canada as exemplary for the effects of transnationalization, regionalization, and cultural and linguistic diversification on notions of citizenship and processes of identity formation.
From the perspectives of the political sciences as well as literature and language studies, this volume looks comparatively at Canadian and Europea...