Recently, increasing interest has been shown in applying the concept of Pareto-optimality to machine learning, particularly inspired by the successful developments in evolutionary multi-objective optimization. It has been shown that the multi-objective approach to machine learning is particularly successful to improve the performance of the traditional single objective machine learning methods, to generate highly diverse multiple Pareto-optimal models for constructing ensembles models and, and to achieve a desired trade-off between accuracy and interpretability of neural networks or fuzzy...
Recently, increasing interest has been shown in applying the concept of Pareto-optimality to machine learning, particularly inspired by the success...
Incorporation of a priori knowledge, such as expert knowledge, meta-heuristics and human preferences, as well as domain knowledge acquired during evolu- tionary search, into evolutionary algorithms has received increasing interest in the recent years. It has been shown from various motivations that knowl- edge incorporation into evolutionary search is able to significantly improve search efficiency. However, results on knowledge incorporation in evolution- ary computation have been scattered in a wide range of research areas and a systematic handling of this important topic in evolutionary...
Incorporation of a priori knowledge, such as expert knowledge, meta-heuristics and human preferences, as well as domain knowledge acquired during evol...