The book deals with the calculation of costs for road infrastructure and congestion and the allocation of these costs to vehicle types. It focusses on heavy goods vehicles. The most important features of the book are i) the review of the state of the art, ii) a discussion of the theoretical requirements for cost accounts under the aspects of different pricing purposes, iii) a comprehensive treatment of various methodological issues for cost calculation, iv) the elaboration of empirical results for the EU-countries and Switzerland. Of particular value is the fact that existing practice of road...
The book deals with the calculation of costs for road infrastructure and congestion and the allocation of these costs to vehicle types. It focusses on...
Neue Erreger, neue Resistenzen, neue Antiinfektiva: Das interdisziplinare Nachschlagewerk liefert Ihnen die Antworten auf alle Fragen zur Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie der modernen Infektionskrankheiten.
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Neue Erreger, neue Resistenzen, neue Antiinfektiva: Das interdisziplinare Nachschlagewerk liefert I...