Die praxisnahe Fortbildung auf dem Gebiet der operativen und onkologischen Dermatologie zieht sich als roter Faden durch diesen Band. Qualitatssicherung und Erfolgskontrolle haben zu einem hohen Standard der chirurgischen Tatigkeit im Fachbereich Dermatologie in den letzten Jahren gefuhrt."
Die praxisnahe Fortbildung auf dem Gebiet der operativen und onkologischen Dermatologie zieht sich als roter Faden durch diesen Band. Qualitatssicheru...
Over the past 50 years many in vitro and in vivo drug response assay systems have been developed to determine the potential - tivity of chemotherapy agents. The idea was to eliminate ineffective agents and unnecessary toxic treatment while selecting drugs active in vitro or in the mouse model that might increase the probability of response in the patient. None of these test models, however, achieved routine clinical application in the past. This might be at least in part - lated to large discrepancies that were described between the s- cess rate of the assay systems and the clinical benefit...
Over the past 50 years many in vitro and in vivo drug response assay systems have been developed to determine the potential - tivity of chemotherapy a...