Computational Intelligence (CI) has emerged as a novel and highly diversified paradigm supporting the design, analysis and deployment of intelligent systems. This book presents a careful selection of the field that very well reflects the breadth of the discipline. It covers a range of highly relevant and practical design principles governing the development of intelligent systems in data mining, robotics, bioinformatics, and intelligent tutoring systems. The lucid presentations, coherent organization, breadth and the authoritative coverage of the area make the book highly attractive for...
Computational Intelligence (CI) has emerged as a novel and highly diversified paradigm supporting the design, analysis and deployment of intelligen...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Dortmund Fuzzy Days, Dortmund, Germany, 2006. This conference has established itself as an international forum for the discussion of new results in the field of Computational Intelligence. The papers presented here, all thoroughly reviewed, are devoted to foundational and practical issues in fuzzy systems, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and machine learning and thus cover the whole range of computational intelligence.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Dortmund Fuzzy Days, Dortmund, Germany, 2006. This conference has established itself as a...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence held in Dortmund, Germany, as the 5th Fuzzy Days, in April 1997. Besides three invited contributions, the book presents 53 revised full papers selected from a total of 130 submissions. Also included are 35 posters documenting a broad scope of applications of computational intelligence techniques in a variety of areas. The volume addresses all current issues in computational intelligence, e.g. fuzzy logic, fuzzy control, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, genetic programming,...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence held in Dortmund, Germany, as the 5th Fuz...
Fuzzy Days in Dortmund were held for the first time in 1991. Initially, the con- ference was intended for scientists and practitioners as a platform for discussions on theory and application of fuzzy logic. Early on, synergetic links with neural networks were included and the conference evolved gradually to embrace the full spectrum of what is now called Computational Intelligence (CI). Therefore, it seemed logical to launch the 4th Fuzzy Days in 1994 as a conference for CI--one of the world's first conferences featuring fuzzy logic, neural networks and evolu- tionary algorithms together in...
Fuzzy Days in Dortmund were held for the first time in 1991. Initially, the con- ference was intended for scientists and practitioners as a platform f...
For the 8th time since 1991 we invite researchers to participate in the Do- mund Fuzzy-Days. I am very glad that our conference has established itself as an international forum for the discussion of new results in the eld of Com- tational Intelligence. Again all papers had to undergo a thorough review: each one was judged by ?ve referees to guarantee a solid quality of the programme. From the beginning of the Fuzzy-Days on, Lot? A. Zadeh felt associated withtheconference.Iwouldliketoexpressmygratitudeforhisencouragement and support and I am particularly glad that he once again delivers a...
For the 8th time since 1991 we invite researchers to participate in the Do- mund Fuzzy-Days. I am very glad that our conference has established itself...
Ten years of, Fuzzy Days in Dortmund What started as a relatively small workshop in 1991 has now become one of the best known smaller conferences on Computational Intelligence in the world. It fact, it was (to my best knowledge) the ?rst conference to use this term, in 1994, although I confess that another, larger conference was announced ?rst and the trade mark Computational Intelligence was not coined in Dortmund. I believe, that the success of this conference is grounded on the quality of its reviewedandinvitedpapersaswellasitsgoodorganization. Fromthebeginning, we have sent every paper...
Ten years of, Fuzzy Days in Dortmund What started as a relatively small workshop in 1991 has now become one of the best known smaller conferences on ...
Fuzzy Logik fasziniert weltweit Wissenschaftler, Entwickler und Anwender gleichermaBen. Der schnelle kommerzielle bzw. industrielle Einsatz der Fuzzy-Technologie verspricht im zunehmend globalen Wettbewerb erhebliche Vorteile. Allerdings fehlen weithin gezielte Informationen fiber die Voraussetzungen und Risiken der Entwicklung von Anwendungen. Die Dortmunder Fuzzy-Tage bieten Entscheidungstragem und Ingenieuren aus den verschiedensten Bereichen und Branchen Gelegenheit, aktuelle Forschungsergebnissse und Entwicklungen kennenzulemen, Anwendungsfelder flir diese auBerst zukunftstrachtige...
Fuzzy Logik fasziniert weltweit Wissenschaftler, Entwickler und Anwender gleichermaBen. Der schnelle kommerzielle bzw. industrielle Einsatz der Fuzzy-...
Die Fuzzy-Technologie spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung intelli genter Produkte und Verfahren. Weltweit beschaftigen sich zunehmend mehr Wissenschaftler, Entwick1er und Anwender damit, die theoretischen Grund1agen weiterzuentwickeln und fur die Praxis nutzbar zu machen. Die Dortmunder Fuzzy-Tage bieten Forschern und Entwicklern aus Industrie und Wissenschaft ein Forum, auf dem die Einsatzmoglichkeiten der Fuzzy Technologie anhand praktischer Beispiele diskutiert werden konnen. 1m Vordergrund der 3. Dortmunder Fuzzy-Tage standen daher 19 Erfahrungsberichte uber neue Anwendungen...
Die Fuzzy-Technologie spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung intelli genter Produkte und Verfahren. Weltweit beschaftigen sich zunehmend mehr ...
Die Weltwirtschaft steht an der Schwelle zu einem Zeitalter intelligenter Systeme. Viele Untemehmen werden sich kiinftig im zunehmend globalen Wettbewerb nur dann behaupten konnen, wenn es ihnen gelingt, ihre Produkte und Verfahren mit einem hohen MaB an Intelligenz auszustatten (,Machine Intelligence Quotient'). Gerade die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist als sogenanntes Hochlohnland und mit ihren sehr begrenzten namrlichen Ressourcen zur Sicherung ihres wirtschaftlichen Wohlstandes auf eine schnelle Umsetzung fortschrittlicher Methoden und Technologien angewiesen. Eine zentrale Rolle bei der...
Die Weltwirtschaft steht an der Schwelle zu einem Zeitalter intelligenter Systeme. Viele Untemehmen werden sich kiinftig im zunehmend globalen Wettbew...