It is unanimously accepted that the quantum and the classical descriptions of the physical reality are very different, although any quantum process is "mysteriously" transformed through measurement into an observable classical event. Beyond the conceptual differences, quantum and classical physics have a lot in common. And, more important, there are classical and quantum phenomena that are similar although they occur in completely different contexts. For example, the Schrodinger equation has the same mathematical form as the Helmholtz equation, there is an uncertainty relation in optics...
It is unanimously accepted that the quantum and the classical descriptions of the physical reality are very different, although any quantum process...
Optoelectronics will undoubtedly playamajor role in the applied sciences of the next century. This is due to the fact that optoelectronics holds the key to future communication developments which require high data transmission rates and of a extremely large bandwidths. For example, an optical fiber having a diameter few micrometers has a bandwidth of 50 THz, where an impressive number of channels having high bit data rates can be simultaneously propagated. At present, optical data streams of 100 Gb/s are being tested for use in the near future. Optoelectronics has advanced considerably in the...
Optoelectronics will undoubtedly playamajor role in the applied sciences of the next century. This is due to the fact that optoelectronics holds the k...
Dedicated to new two-dimensional one-atomic-layer-thick materials such as graphene, metallic chalcogenides, silicene and other 2D materials, this book describes their main physical properties and applications in nanoelctronics, photonics, sensing and computing. Much of it deals with graphene and its amazing physical properties.
Dedicated to new two-dimensional one-atomic-layer-thick materials such as graphene, metallic chalcogenides, silicene and other 2D materials, this book...