New economic developments such as E-Commerce raise not only economic but also legal questions. Most of these questions are treated in a different way by the jurisdictions or have not been regulated so far. Companies are facing a material uncertainty with regard to international transactions which are typical of E Commerce. The European and national regulations which have already been adopted are only for some part leading to clarification. The possibilities for legal solutions as well as the interpretation of the new legislation differ within the separate countries and their Courts. In order...
New economic developments such as E-Commerce raise not only economic but also legal questions. Most of these questions are treated in a different way ...
New economic developments such as E-Commerce raise not only economic but also legal questions. Most of these questions are treated in a different way by the jurisdictions or have not been regulated so far. Companies are facing a material uncertainty with regard to international transactions which are typical of E Commerce. The European and national regulations which have already been adopted are only for some part leading to clarification. The possibilities for legal solutions as well as the interpretation of the new legislation differ within the separate countries and their Courts. In order...
New economic developments such as E-Commerce raise not only economic but also legal questions. Most of these questions are treated in a different way ...
Das Handbuch prasentiert die Kernbereiche des E-Commerce-Rechts in den meisten EU-Mitgliedstaaten und den USA. Behandelt werden das Vertragsrecht, der Verbraucherschutz, das Urheberrecht, das Recht gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb, das Kartellrecht, die Providerhaftung, der Geldtransfer und der Datenschutz. Die Landerberichte folgen einem gemeinsamen Fragenkatalog. Aufgrund der daraus resultierenden einheitlichen Struktur findet der Leser schnell und ubersichtlich Antwort auf seine Rechtsfragen in allen Staaten. Die Beitrage wurden von Experten auf dem Gebiet des elektronischen...
Das Handbuch prasentiert die Kernbereiche des E-Commerce-Rechts in den meisten EU-Mitgliedstaaten und den USA. Behandelt werden das Vertragsrecht, der...