This book is an exposition of "Singular Semi-Riemannian Geometry"- the study of a smooth manifold furnished with a degenerate (singular) metric tensor of arbitrary signature. The main topic of interest is those cases where the metric tensor is assumed to be nondegenerate. In the literature, manifolds with degenerate metric tensors have been studied extrinsically as degenerate submanifolds of semi Riemannian manifolds. One major aspect of this book is first to study the intrinsic structure of a manifold with a degenerate metric tensor and then to study it extrinsically by considering it as a...
This book is an exposition of "Singular Semi-Riemannian Geometry"- the study of a smooth manifold furnished with a degenerate (singular) metric tensor...
The subject of this book is Osserman semi-Riemannian manifolds, and in particular, the Osserman conjecture in semi-Riemannian geometry. The treatment is pitched at the intermediate graduate level and requires some intermediate knowledge of differential geometry. The notation is mostly coordinate-free and the terminology is that of modern differential geometry. Known results toward the complete proof of Riemannian Osserman conjecture are given and the Osserman conjecture in Lorentzian geometry is proved completely. Counterexamples to the Osserman conjuncture in generic semi-Riemannian...
The subject of this book is Osserman semi-Riemannian manifolds, and in particular, the Osserman conjecture in semi-Riemannian geometry. The treatment ...
This volume is an exposition of singular semi-Riemannian geometry, i.e. the study of a smooth manifold furnished with a degenerate (singular) metric tensor of arbitrary signature. The main topic of interest is those cases where metric tensors are assumed to be nondegenerate. In the literature manifolds with degenerate metric tensors have been studied extrinsically as degenerate submanifolds of semi-Riemannian manifolds. Here, the intrinsic structure of a manifold with a degenerate metric tensor is studied first, and then it is studied extrinsically by considering it as a degenerate...
This volume is an exposition of singular semi-Riemannian geometry, i.e. the study of a smooth manifold furnished with a degenerate (singular) metric t...