In September 2000, the University of Bayreuth, Germany, hosted the Fourth International Meeting on Thermodi?usion (IMT4). TheIMTconferenceswerebornfromtheideaofbringingtogetherresearchers in the ?eld of thermodi?usion. Under the auspices of the European Group of Research in Thermodi?usion(EGRT)theconferenceseriesstartedin1994with IMT1 in Toulouse and has been continued every other year with IMT2 (Pau, 1996), IMT3 (Mons, 1998), and IMT4 (Bayreuth, 2000). The next conference, IMT5, will be held in 2002 in Lyngby, Denmark. Thermodi?usion, alsocalledthermaldi?usionortheLudwig-Sorete?ect, -...
In September 2000, the University of Bayreuth, Germany, hosted the Fourth International Meeting on Thermodi?usion (IMT4). TheIMTconferenceswerebornfro...
book was being prepared. Many ofushavelostafriendandrespectedcolleague.Hismanuscripthasbeenbrought into its ?nal state by A. Shapiro, whom we want to thank here.
book was being prepared. Many ofushavelostafriendandrespectedcolleague.Hismanuscripthasbeenbrought into its ?nal state by A. Shapiro, whom we want to ...