Given the huge amount of information on the Internet and in almost every domain of knowledge available today, knowledge discovery calls for automation. This book deals with methods from classification and data analysis that respond effectively to this rapidly growing challenge.
Given the huge amount of information on the Internet and in almost every domain of knowledge available today, knowledge discovery calls for automation...
This volume contains revised versions of selected papers presented dur- ing the 23rd Annual Conference of the German Classification Society GfKl (Gesellschaft fiir Klassifikation). The conference took place at the Univer- sity of Bielefeld (Germany) in March 1999 under the title "Classification and Information Processing at the Turn of the Millennium." Researchers and practitioners - interested in data analysis, classification, and information processing in the broad sense, including computer science, multimedia, WWW, knowledge discovery, and data mining as well as spe- cial application areas...
This volume contains revised versions of selected papers presented dur- ing the 23rd Annual Conference of the German Classification Society GfKl (Gese...
The volume presents new developments in data analysis and classification and gives an overview of the state of the art in these scientific fields and relevant applications. Areas that receive considerable attention in the book are clustering, discrimination, data analysis, and statistics, as well as applications in economics, biology, and medicine it provides recent technical and methodological developments and a large number of application papers demonstrating the usefulness of the newly developed techniques.
The volume presents new developments in data analysis and classification and gives an overview of the state of the art in these scientific fields a...
Represents the research results in the field of Classification, Clustering, and Data Analysis. Besides the theoretical analysis, this work features papers that focus on various application fields such as Archaeology, Astronomy, Bio-Sciences, Electronic Data and Web, Finance and Insurance, Library Science and Linguistics, and Music Science.
Represents the research results in the field of Classification, Clustering, and Data Analysis. Besides the theoretical analysis, this work features pa...
This volume focuses on innovative approaches and recent developments in clustering, analysis of data and models, and applications: The first part of the book covers a broad range of innovations in the area of clustering, from algorithmic innovations for graph clustering to new visualization and evaluation techniques. The second part addresses new developments in data and decision analysis (conjoint analysis, non-additive utility functions, analysis of asymmetric relationships, and regularization techniques). The third part is devoted to the application of innovative data analysis methods in...
This volume focuses on innovative approaches and recent developments in clustering, analysis of data and models, and applications: The first part of t...
Der Band pr{sentiert die Ergebnisse der 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f}r Operations Research, die vom 4. bis 6.9.91 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim stattfand. Er enth{lt ausf}hrliche Fassungen des Er-ffnungsvortrages und von drei Plenar- und 75 Fachvortr{gen, sowie Abstracts bzw. Kurzfassungen der }brigen Beitr{ge nebst vollst{ndigem Autoren- und Referentenverzeichnis. Der Band fa t somit inbew{hrter Weise das Vortragsprogramm der 20. DGOR-Jahrestagung zusammen, wobei praktische Erfahrungen und wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse ausgewogen ber}cksichtigt sind. Im einzelnen sind Beitr{ge zu...
Der Band pr{sentiert die Ergebnisse der 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f}r Operations Research, die vom 4. bis 6.9.91 in Stuttgart-Hohenh...
th Selected papers presented at the 18 Annual Conference of th German Classification Society GfKl (Gesellschaft fUr Klassifikation) are contained in this volume of 'Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Or ganization'. The conference took place at the University of Oldenburg in 1994 under the general subject "From Data to Knowledge" and provided an international forum for participants from theory and practice. The interdisciplinary character of GfKI - although aspects concerning clas sification and related areas of data analysis are in the center of interest of the...
th Selected papers presented at the 18 Annual Conference of th German Classification Society GfKl (Gesellschaft fUr Klassifikation) are contained in t...
The volume contains a selection of manuscripts of lectures presented at the International Symposi um on Operations Research (SOR 96). The Symposium took place at the Technical University of Braunschweig, September 3-6, 1996. SOR 96 was organized under the auspices of the two German societies of Operations Research, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Operations Research (DGOR) and Gesellschaft fur Mathematik, Okonomie and Operations Research (GMOOR) in cooperation with the Working Group Discrete Optimization of the IFIP (WG7.4). Since 1995, DGOR and GMOORjointly prepare the Symposium as a common annual...
The volume contains a selection of manuscripts of lectures presented at the International Symposi um on Operations Research (SOR 96). The Symposium to...
Otto Opitz feiert im Juni 1999 seinen sechzigsten Geburtstag. Aus diesem Anlass haben sich Schuler, ihm nahestehende Kollegen und Freunde ent schlossen, die nachfolgende Festschrift zu erstellen. Dass sich dabei eine hohe Korrelation zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Interessensgebieten von Otto Opitz und den Themen der eingegangenen Beitrage gezeigt hat, ist nicht er staunlich und hat die Strukturierung dieses Bandes erleichtert. Ein Auszug seiner wissenschaftlichen Tatigkeiten findet sich am Ende des Bandes. Eines der wichtigsten Betatigungsfelder von Otto Opitz kann mit Daten analyse und...
Otto Opitz feiert im Juni 1999 seinen sechzigsten Geburtstag. Aus diesem Anlass haben sich Schuler, ihm nahestehende Kollegen und Freunde ent schlosse...