Our thanks go to our colleagues at the VU Univer- Preface to the Third Edition sity Medical Center and to those in other hospitals Reading through the prefaces of the two previous edi- who referred their patients to us. We are indebted to tions, we can say that much of what was said there still all colleagues who allowed us to use their MR images, holds. At the same time, however, much has changed. published or unpublished, making it possible for us to There has been immense progress in the technical present illustrations of nearly all known white matter possibilities of magnetic resonance...
Our thanks go to our colleagues at the VU Univer- Preface to the Third Edition sity Medical Center and to those in other hospitals Reading through the...
MRI is assuming a dominant role in imaging of the larynx. Its superior soft tissue contrast resolution makes it ideal for differentiating invasion of tumors of the larynx from normal or more sharply circumscribed configuration of most of the benign lesions. Over ten years ago CT made a major impact on laryngeal examination because it was the first time that Radiologists were beginning to look at submucosal disease. All of the previous examinations duplicated the infor mation that was available to the clinician via direct and in-direct laryngo scopy. With the advent of rigid and flexible...
MRI is assuming a dominant role in imaging of the larynx. Its superior soft tissue contrast resolution makes it ideal for differentiating invasion of ...
The numerous ways in which man and animals are affected by their physical environment, and the inborn and adaptive responses to change in the "milieu exterieur" have fascinated curious minds since the earliest days of recorded history. Development of the scientific method with its emphasis on evidence obtained through experimentation-perhaps best illustrated in this field by Paul Bert's encyclopedic work-allowed several generations of our predecessors to establish firmly some facts and reject erroneous beliefs, but it was only during the early 1940s that environmental physiology put on its...
The numerous ways in which man and animals are affected by their physical environment, and the inborn and adaptive responses to change in the "milieu ...