The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series inauguration in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to...
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint...
This is one of two volumes devoted to single and multistage systems in scheduling theory respectively. The main emphasis throughout is on the analysis of the computational complexity of scheduling problems. This volume is devoted to the problems of determining optimal schedules for systems consisting of either a single machine or several parallel machines. The most important statements and algorithms which relate to scheduling are described and discussed in detail. The book has an introduction followed by four chapters dealing with the elements of graph theory and the computational complexity...
This is one of two volumes devoted to single and multistage systems in scheduling theory respectively. The main emphasis throughout is on the analysis...
Scheduling theory is an important branch of operations research. Problems studied within the framework of that theory have numerous applications in various fields of human activity. As an independent discipline scheduling theory appeared in the middle of the fifties, and has attracted the attention of researchers in many countries. In the Soviet Union, research in this direction has been mainly related to production scheduling, especially to the development of automated systems for production control. In 1975 Nauka ("Science") Publishers, Moscow, issued two books providing systematic...
Scheduling theory is an important branch of operations research. Problems studied within the framework of that theory have numerous applications in va...