The fields of control and robotics are now at an advanced level of maturity both in theory and practice. Numerous systems are used effectively in industrial production and other sectors of modern life. This volume contains a well-balanced collection of over fifty papers focusing on analysis and design problems. The current trends and advances in the fields are reflected. Topics covered include: system analysis, identification and stability optimal, adaptive, robust and QFT controller design design and application of driving simulators industrial robots and telemanipulators mobile, service,...
The fields of control and robotics are now at an advanced level of maturity both in theory and practice. Numerous systems are used effectively in indu...
Users of signal processing systems are never satis?ed with the system they currently use. They are constantly asking for higher quality, faster perf- mance, more comfort and lower prices. Researchers and developers should be appreciative for this attitude. It justi?es their constant e?ort for improved systems. Better knowledge about biological and physical interrelations c- ing along with more powerful technologies are their engines on the endless road to perfect systems. This book is an impressive image of this process. After Acoustic Echo 1 and Noise Control published in 2004 many new...
Users of signal processing systems are never satis?ed with the system they currently use. They are constantly asking for higher quality, faster perf- ...
This book expounds the theory of non-linear vibrations, a topic of great interest at present because of its many applications to important fields in physics and engineering. After introducing chapters giving the basic techniques for the study of non-linear systems the authors develop in detail the theory of selected topics encountered in their own work, presenting original material, approaches and results of analysis, and providing illustrations of useful applications.
This book expounds the theory of non-linear vibrations, a topic of great interest at present because of its many applications to important fields in p...
From October 1964 to May 1969 the 40 MHz, 41 MHz, and 360 MHz signals of the satellite Explo 0 0 rer 22, were recorded at Lindau (51,650 N; 10,125 E). The Faraday effect recordings at 40 MHz and 41 MHz and Dispersive-Doppler-effect recordings at 40 MHz and 360 MHz were used to calculate the ionospheric electron content up to 1000 km. The mean electron content for 1 hour periods over a period 0 of three months as obtained at 51. 6 N geographic latitude as derived from various evaluation methods is presented. Furthermore, the relevant critical frequency FOF2 is displayed. A similar presentation...
From October 1964 to May 1969 the 40 MHz, 41 MHz, and 360 MHz signals of the satellite Explo 0 0 rer 22, were recorded at Lindau (51,650 N; 10,125 E)....
Die vorgetegte Untersuchung dient einer ausfuhrtichen und exakten Darstettung der bei einfachen Warte systemen vom Typ GIIGl1 mit betiebig endtichem Oder unendtichem Warteraum auftretenden Warteschtagenprozesse, der Perioden ununterbrochener Bedienung sowie der Leertaufzeitspannen der jeweitigen Bedienungseinheit bei besonderer Beachtung des Stabititatsverhattens dieser Grossen, wenn Zeit und Warteraum unabhangig voneinander uber atte Grenzen wachsen. Die vorgetegte Methode der zusatztichen Variabte zur Ge winnung eines mehrdimensionaten Markoffprozesses wird auf eine exakte Basis gestettt...
Die vorgetegte Untersuchung dient einer ausfuhrtichen und exakten Darstettung der bei einfachen Warte systemen vom Typ GIIGl1 mit betiebig endtichem O...
Wahrend die Therapiekonzepte fUr die Akutphase des frischen Herzinfarktes, vor aUem die moglichst friih einsetzenden ReperfusionsmaBnahmen wie Lyse und Wie dereroffnung des verschlossenen GefaBes heute wohl unbestritten sind, werden die therapeutischen MaBnahmen der Postinfarktperiode unterschiedlich beurteilt. Das gilt vor aUem fUr die Anwendung der Antiarrhythmika, denen man seit der CAST Studie eher kritisch gegeniibersteht. Da aber gerade Herzrhythmusstorungen eine der Hauptkomplikationen und Todesursachen dieser Periode darstellen, haben die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zu einer erheblichen...
Wahrend die Therapiekonzepte fUr die Akutphase des frischen Herzinfarktes, vor aUem die moglichst friih einsetzenden ReperfusionsmaBnahmen wie Lyse un...
Am 20. Oktober 1980 veranstalteten die Bayerische Akademie der Wis senschaften und die Technische Vniversitat Miinchen ein Gedachtnis kolloquium aus AnlaB des 10. Todestages von Robert Sauer. In dieser Festschrift sind die Beitrage abgedruckt, die in der Vormit tagssitzung unter dem Titel Robert Sauers Leben und Werk - Erinnerungen an Robert Saue- vorgetragen wurden. Die Reihenfolge der Beitrage wurde dem chronolo gischen Ablauf von Sauers Leben angepaBt. Erganzt wird die Festschrift durch die Bibliographie und biographische Notizen. Organisationskomitee: Prof. Dr. Dr es sc. h. c. Friedrich...
Am 20. Oktober 1980 veranstalteten die Bayerische Akademie der Wis senschaften und die Technische Vniversitat Miinchen ein Gedachtnis kolloquium aus A...
NATO - The First 50 Years offers the first comprehensive study of the institution's activities and development over the past five decades. It also addresses the perennial problems of transatlantic relationships, the problems that the Alliance grapples with today.
NATO - The First 50 Years offers the first comprehensive study of the institution's activities and development over the past five decades. It also add...