As society comes to rely increasingly on software for its welfare and prosperity there is an urgent need to create systems in which it can trust. Experience has shown that confidence can only come from a more profound understanding of the issues, which in turn can come only if it is based on logically sound foundations. This volume contains contributions from leading researchers in the critical disciplines of computing and information science, mathematics, logic, and complexity. All contributions are self-contained, aiming at comprehensibility as well as comprehensiveness. The volume also...
As society comes to rely increasingly on software for its welfare and prosperity there is an urgent need to create systems in which it can trust. Expe...
Ralf Steinbruggen Helmut Schwichtenberg Helmut Schwichtenberg
As society comes to rely increasingly on software for its welfare and prosperity there is an urgent need to create systems in which it can trust. Experience has shown that confidence can only come from a more profound understanding of the issues, which in turn can come only if it is based on logically sound foundations. This volume contains contributions from leading researchers in the critical disciplines of computing and information science.
As society comes to rely increasingly on software for its welfare and prosperity there is an urgent need to create systems in which it can trust. Expe...
Leitlinie dieser Einfuhrung in die Informatik ist die Frage, welche Vorgehensweisen einem Problem informatische Kontur verleihen und welche Techniken zur Verfugung stehen, um Informatiksysteme analysieren oder entwerfen zu konnen.
Modelle enstehen in der Zusammenschau unterschiedlicher Ansichten eines Systems, die durch pragnante Diagramme beschrieben werden: Entity-Relationship-, Systemstruktur-, Zustandsubergangs- und Sequenzdiagramme. Inharenter Bestandteil dieser grafischen Beschreibungstechniken ist die Charakterisierung der zugrundeliegenden Daten (z.B. in funktionaler...
Leitlinie dieser Einfuhrung in die Informatik ist die Frage, welche Vorgehensweisen einem Problem informatische Kontur verleihen und welche Technik...