James F. (, HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK) Annett
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes ample tutorial material, including illustrations, chapter summaries, graded problem sets, and concise examples. This book is part of the Oxford Master Series in Condensed Matter Physics.
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes am...
Das Buch behandelt drei physikalische Phanomene: die Bose-Einstein-Kondensation, Suprafluiditat und Supraleitung. In seinem Aufbau verfolgt es das Ziel, die wesentlichen Konzepte und notwendigen mathematischen Formalismen zu motivieren. Das Buch beginnt mit dem einfachsten der drei Phanomene, der Bose-Einstein-Kondensation. Nach einem Uberblick uber grundlegenden Eigenschaften idealer Bose-Gase werden Verfahren zum Einfangen und Kuhlen von Atomen vorgestellt, um schlielich auf die Realisierung von Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten in verdunnten atomaren Gasen eingehen zu konnen. Aufgrund von...
Das Buch behandelt drei physikalische Phanomene: die Bose-Einstein-Kondensation, Suprafluiditat und Supraleitung. In seinem Aufbau verfolgt es das Zie...
Kenneth B. Taylor James F. Annett Sergei Kruchinin
New Trends in Superconductivity contains up-to-date papers covering the most exciting current topics in superconductivity research. The main areas include cuprate superconductivity, covering mechanisms, pairing symmetry, pseudogap, stripes, growth and synthesis; novel superconductors, including MgB2, Sr2RuO4, borocarbides and C60-based systems; and mesoscopic superconductors and vortex matter, including vortex structure, type II superconductors, macroscopic quantum coherence and qubit devices and multilayer systems.
A useful, up-to-date reference of current research...
New Trends in Superconductivity contains up-to-date papers covering the most exciting current topics in superconductivity research...
New Trends in Superconductivity contains up-to-date papers covering the most exciting current topics in superconductivity research. The main areas include cuprate superconductivity, covering mechanisms, pairing symmetry, pseudogap, stripes, growth and synthesis; novel superconductors, including MgB2, Sr2RuO4, borocarbides and C60-based systems; and mesoscopic superconductors and vortex matter, including vortex structure, type II superconductors, macroscopic quantum coherence and qubit devices and multilayer systems.
A useful, up-to-date reference of current research in all of these...
New Trends in Superconductivity contains up-to-date papers covering the most exciting current topics in superconductivity research. The main areas ...
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes ample tutorial material, including illustrations, chapter summaries, graded problem sets, and concise examples.
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes ample tutor...