Barun K. Se Barun K. Sen Gupta Kluwer Academic Publishers
and Acknowledgments Modern Foraminifera started with a simple idea: Goldstein, Andrew Gooday, Pamela Hallock, to write an advanced text for university students Jeffrey Hanor, John Haynes, Johann Hohen- that would also serve as a reference book for ger, Scott Ishman, Frans Jorissen, Susan K- professionals. Being keenly aware of the bound- well, Martin Langer, David Lea, Richard Norris, William Parker, Nancy Rabalais, Charles aries of my competence, I invited fourteen col- Ramcharan, Charles Schafer, Scott Snyder, K- leagues to write most of the chapters. The neth Towe, Bert van der Zwaan, and...
and Acknowledgments Modern Foraminifera started with a simple idea: Goldstein, Andrew Gooday, Pamela Hallock, to write an advanced text for university...