In the tradition of Tolkien and Herbert, "Orobais Vision" is the captivating first installment of the four volume fantasy/sci-fi epic, "Tales of Aurduin," by Martin W. Ball. When the creature Orobai discovers an unusual jewel that transforms into a mysterious young girl, he knows that his destiny is at hand. For 23,000 years Orobai has wandered the lost forests and towering mountains of Aurduin, a mythical land created by the Illan. The sole remaining practitioner of the Altfein-Aryat, the Illans mystical art of creation, Orobai has patiently awaited the fulfillment of his magical purpose: to...
In the tradition of Tolkien and Herbert, "Orobais Vision" is the captivating first installment of the four volume fantasy/sci-fi epic, "Tales of Aurdu...
Over the last i5 years there has been growth in the use of the linguistic profile in speech and language therapy clinics. While standardized psychometrically based assessment procedures use numerical scoring and selective elicitation procedures, the profile sets out to take a representative sample of the client's speech to detect and elucidate patterns of impaired and unimpaired linguistic abilities. The profile approach allow the clinician to detect directly the structures that need remediation and the norm-referenced developmental order in which this should be undertaken.
Over the last i5 years there has been growth in the use of the linguistic profile in speech and language therapy clinics. While standardized psychomet...
Mountain Spirits is an integrated and interdisciplinary analysis of the Mescalero Apache Mountain Spirit ceremonial tradition. Based on the cultural metapattern of the four directions, the Mountain Spirits are analyzed as embodiments of Mescalero conceptions of the scared. Originating in the visions and dreams of medicine people, masked dancers are painted and decorated with sacred symbols and then perform their ceremonies to bless and heal. Weaving together thick description, commentary by Mescalero Apache medicine people and ceremonial singers and dancers, Mountain Spirits provides a...
Mountain Spirits is an integrated and interdisciplinary analysis of the Mescalero Apache Mountain Spirit ceremonial tradition. Based on the cultural m...