Intended for specialists in functional analysis and stability theory, this work presents a systematic exposition of estimations for norms of operator-valued functions, and applies the estimates to spectrum perturbations of linear operators and stability theory. The author demonstrates his own approach to spectrum perturbations.
Intended for specialists in functional analysis and stability theory, this work presents a systematic exposition of estimations for norms of operator-...
Differential equations with delay naturallyarise in various applications, such as control systems, viscoelasticity, mechanics, nuclear reactors, distributed networks, heat flows, neural networks, combustion, interaction of species, microbiology, learning models, epidemiology, physiology, and many others. This book systematically investigates the stability of linear as well as nonlinear vector differential equations with delay and equations with causal mappings. It presents explicit conditions for exponential, absolute and input-to-state stabilities. These stability conditions are mainly...
Differential equations with delay naturallyarise in various applications, such as control systems, viscoelasticity, mechanics, nuclear reactors, di...