Mark A. Richards Mark A. Richards Anthony J. Gadient
Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors presents leading-edge research that focuses on design methodology, infrastructure support and scalable architectures developed by the 150 million dollar DARPA United States Department of Defense RASSP Program. The contributions to this edited work include an introductory overview chapter that explains the origin, concepts and status of this effort. The RASSP Program is a multi-year DARPA/Tri-Service initiative intended to dramatically improve the process by which complex digital systems, particularly embedded...
Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors presents leading-edge research that focuses on design methodology, infrastructure...
Mark A. Richards Anthony J. Gadient Geoffrey A. Frank
Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors presents leading-edge research that focuses on design methodology, infrastructure support and scalable architectures developed by the 150 million dollar DARPA United States Department of Defense RASSP Program. The contributions to this edited work include an introductory overview chapter that explains the origin, concepts and status of this effort. The RASSP Program is a multi-year DARPA/Tri-Service initiative intended to dramatically improve the process by which complex digital systems, particularly embedded signal processors, are...
Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors presents leading-edge research that focuses on design methodology, infrastructure support ...
Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles is a comprehensive text for courses in radar systems and technology, a professional training textbook for formal in-house courses and for new hires; a reference for ongoing study following a radar short course and a self-study and professional reference book.
Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles is a comprehensive text for courses in radar systems and technology, a professional training textbook for...