The first Annual Working Conference ofWG11.4oftheInter nationalFederationforInformation Processing (IFIP), focuseson variousstate of the art concepts in the field of Network and Dis tributedSystemsSecurity. Oursocietyisrapidly evolvingand irreversibly set onacourse governedby electronicinteractions. Wehave seen thebirthofe mail in the early seventies, and are now facing new challenging applicationssuchase commerce, e government, ....Themoreour societyrelies on electronicforms ofcommunication, themorethe securityofthesecommunicationnetworks isessentialforitswell functioning. Asaconsequence,...
The first Annual Working Conference ofWG11.4oftheInter nationalFederationforInformation Processing (IFIP), focuseson variousstate of the art concepts ...
Constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS 2010, held in Ghent, Belgium, in October 2011. This title includes sections on usability, architecture and framework security, mobile identity management, secure hardware platforms, and biometrics.
Constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS 2010, held in...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS 2012, held in Canterbury, UK, in September 2012. The 6 revised full papers presented together with 8 short papers, 8 extended abstracts describing the posters that were discussed at the conference, and 2 keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on image and handwriting analysis, authentication and performance, biometrics, forensics and watermarking, and communications...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS 201...
The first Annual Working Conference ofWG11.4oftheInter nationalFederationforInformation Processing (IFIP), focuseson variousstate of the art concepts in the field of Network and Dis tributedSystemsSecurity. Oursocietyisrapidly evolvingand irreversibly set onacourse governedby electronicinteractions. Wehave seen thebirthofe mail in the early seventies, and are now facing new challenging applicationssuchase commerce, e government, ....Themoreour societyrelies on electronicforms ofcommunication, themorethe securityofthesecommunicationnetworks isessentialforitswell functioning. Asaconsequence,...
The first Annual Working Conference ofWG11.4oftheInter nationalFederationforInformation Processing (IFIP), focuseson variousstate of the art concepts ...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS 2014, held in Aveiro, Portugal, in September 2014. The 4 revised full papers presented together with 6 short papers, 3 extended abstracts describing the posters that were discussed at the conference, and 2 keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on vulnerabilities and threats, identification and authentification, applied security.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS 201...