Silicon on insulator (SOI) is a very attractive technology for large volume integrated circuit production and is particularly good for low-voltage, low-power and high-speed digital systems. SOI has also proved to be effective in various niche and growing markets. IC processes based on SOI are known to reduce susceptibility to radiation, and have been used for many years in high radiation environments. SOI is also used for power integrated circuits, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), integrated optics and high temperature applications. SOI offers numerous opportunities and...
Silicon on insulator (SOI) is a very attractive technology for large volume integrated circuit production and is particularly good for low-voltage, lo...
This title introduces state-of-the-art design principles for SOI circuit design, and is primarily concerned with circuit-related issues. It considers SOI material in terms of implementation that is promising or has been used elsewhere in circuit development, with historical perspective where appropriate.
This title introduces state-of-the-art design principles for SOI circuit design, and is primarily concerned with circuit-related issues. It conside...