One of the main ways by which we can understand complex processes is to create computerised numerical simulation models of them. Modern simulation tools are not used only by experts, however, and reliability has therefore become an important issue, meaning that it is not sufficient for a simulation package merely to print out some numbers, claiming them to be the desired results. An estimate of the associated error is also needed. The errors may derive from many sources: errors in the model, errors in discretization, rounding errors, etc. Unfortunately, this situation does not obtain...
One of the main ways by which we can understand complex processes is to create computerised numerical simulation models of them. Modern simulation too...
One of the main ways by which we can understand complex processes is to create computerised numerical simulation models of them. Modern simulation tools are not used only by experts, however, and reliability has therefore become an important issue, meaning that it is not sufficient for a simulation package merely to print out some numbers, claiming them to be the desired results. An estimate of the associated error is also needed. The errors may derive from many sources: errors in the model, errors in discretization, rounding errors, etc. Unfortunately, this situation does not obtain...
One of the main ways by which we can understand complex processes is to create computerised numerical simulation models of them. Modern simulation too...
Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende Einfuhrung in die verschiedenen Aspekte der modernen Computergraphik. Neben der Diskussion grundlegender Fragestellungen (Koordinatensysteme, Rasterung, Farbmodelle) werden dabei sowohl die geometrische Modellierung dreidimensionaler Objekte als auch deren graphische Darstellung behandelt. Weiterhin wird die Rolle der Computergraphik in aktuellen Anwendungen wie Animation, Visualisierung oder Virtual Reality beleuchtet. Unterstutzt durch zahlreiche, z.T. farbige Illustrationen erhalt der Leser so einen Uberblick uber die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte und Techniken...
Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende Einfuhrung in die verschiedenen Aspekte der modernen Computergraphik. Neben der Diskussion grundlegender Fragestellun...
When the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) launched its collabora tive research centre or SFB (Sonderforschungsbereich) 438 "Mathematical Modelling, Simulation, and Verification in Material-Oriented Processes and Intelligent Systems" in July 1997 at the Technische Vniversitat Munchen and at the Vniversitat Augsburg, southern Bavaria got its second nucleus of the still young discipline scientific computing. Whereas the first and older one, FORTWIHR, the Bavarian Consortium for High Performance Scientific Com puting, had put its main emphasis on the supercomputing aspect, this new...
When the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) launched its collabora tive research centre or SFB (Sonderforschungsbereich) 438 "Mathematical Modellin...