The reader has been introduced to a number of topics, taken from Toka mak research, in order to trace the the development of applications of spec troscopy in controlled fusion research over the last 35 years, from the early toroidal devices like ZETA to present-day Tokamaks. The subject of plasma spectroscopy has grown in sophistication in terms of the expansion of the atomic processes which have to be considered and their associated data base, the complexity of the experimental techniques and the wide range of diag nostic applications. Plasma spectroscopy has increased our appreciation of...
The reader has been introduced to a number of topics, taken from Toka mak research, in order to trace the the development of applications of spec tros...
This book is an attempt to compile and integrate the information documented by many botanists, both Egyptians and others, about the vegetation of Egypt. The ? rst treatise on the ? ora of Egypt, by Petrus Forsskal, was published in 1775. Records of the Egyptian ? ora made during the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt (1778 1801) were provided by A. R. Delile from 1809 to 1812 (Kassas, 1981). The early beginning of ecological studies of the vegetation of Egypt extended to the mid-nineteenth century. Two traditions may be recognized. The ? rst was general exploration and survey, for which one name...
This book is an attempt to compile and integrate the information documented by many botanists, both Egyptians and others, about the vegetation of Egyp...
Throughout his career Sir Robert Wilson has demonstrated that advances in a wide variety of fields in astrophysics and laboratory physics are achievable through the application of fundamental plasma spectroscopy. His work has included: optical studies that probed the nature of interstellar dust and first revealed the existence of O star winds; vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray diagnosis of fusion plasmas; rocket ultraviolet and X-ray observations of the Sun; and the conception, development and use of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite which has contributed greatly to stellar,...
Throughout his career Sir Robert Wilson has demonstrated that advances in a wide variety of fields in astrophysics and laboratory physics are achievab...
The formative ideas for this symposium originated in 1978 at the IAU Symposium No. 83 on "Mass Loss and Evolution of O-type Stars" held at Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, Canada - WR stars generally figure prominently in O-star meetings and vice versa Following general appro val by the IAU Executive Committee the initial ideas were cemented at a subsequent meeting, IAU Colloquium No. 59 on "The Effects of Mass Loss on Stellar Evolution," held at Miramare, Trieste, Italy in 1980, which was attended by the ma, jority of the present Scientific Organising Committee and at which meeting the...
The formative ideas for this symposium originated in 1978 at the IAU Symposium No. 83 on "Mass Loss and Evolution of O-type Stars" held at Qualicum Be...