The main purpose of this handbook is to summarize and to put in order the ideas, methods, results and literature on the theory of random evolutions and their applications to the evolutionary stochastic systems in random media, and also to present some new trends in the theory of random evolutions and their applications. In physical language, a random evolution ( RE ) is a model for a dynamical sys tem whose state of evolution is subject to random variations. Such systems arise in all branches of science. For example, random Hamiltonian and Schrodinger equations with random potential in...
The main purpose of this handbook is to summarize and to put in order the ideas, methods, results and literature on the theory of random evolutions an...
The book is devoted to the new trends in random evolutions and their various applications to stochastic evolutionary sytems (SES). Such new developments as the analogue of Dynkin's formulae, boundary value problems, stochastic stability and optimal control of random evolutions, stochastic evolutionary equations driven by martingale measures are considered. The book also contains such new trends in applied probability as stochastic models of financial and insurance mathematics in an incomplete market. In the famous classical financial mathematics Black-Scholes model of a (B, S) market for...
The book is devoted to the new trends in random evolutions and their various applications to stochastic evolutionary sytems (SES). Such new developmen...
This is a new book in biomathematics, which includes new models of stochastic non-linear biological systems and new results for these systems. These results are based on the new results for non-linear difference and differential equations in random media. This book contains:
-New stochastic non-linear models of biological systems, such as biological systems in random media: epidemic, genetic selection, demography, branching, logistic growth and predator-prey models; -New results for scalar and vector difference equations in random media with applications to the stochastic biological...
This is a new book in biomathematics, which includes new models of stochastic non-linear biological systems and new results for these systems. Thes...