Environmental Hydrology presents a unified approach to the role of hydrology in environmental planning and management, emphasizing the consideration of the hydrological continuum in determining the fate and migration of chemicals as well as micro-organisms in the environment, both below the ground as well as on it. The eco-hydrological consequences of environmental management are also discussed, and an up-to-date account of the mathematical modeling of pollution is also presented. Audience: Invaluable reading for senior undergraduates and beginning graduates, civil,...
Environmental Hydrology presents a unified approach to the role of hydrology in environmental planning and management, emphasizing the consid...
Triggerd primarily byill effects of polluted air, soil and water resources on living species, public concern for environmental quality has been growing during the past four decades or so. One manifestation of this concern is found in occurrence of public debates as well as in the demand for full environmental impact assessment before a water-resources project is approved. Engineering soundness and economic feasibility are no longer sufficient criteria for construction of hydraulic works. As a result, environmental considerations have become very much a part of hydraulic analyses. In response...
Triggerd primarily byill effects of polluted air, soil and water resources on living species, public concern for environmental quality has been growin...
The General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution on December 11, 1987, designating the 1990s as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. This resolution has served as a catalyst in promotion of international cooperation in the field of natural disaster reduction; in initiation of wide-ranging research activities on natural and man-made disasters; in development of tech nologies for assessment, prediction, prevention, and mitigation through technical assistance, technology transfer, demonstration projects, and education and training; and in dissemination of...
The General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution on December 11, 1987, designating the 1990s as the International Decade for Natural Dis...
The last few years have witnessed an enormous interest in application of GIS in hydrology and water resources. This is partly evidenced by organization of sev eral national and international symposia or conferences under the sponsorship of various professional organizations. This increased interest is, in a large measure, in response to growing public sensitivity to environmental quality and management. The GIS technology has the ability to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, and visualize the diverse sets of geo-referenced data. On the other hand, hydrology is inherently spatial and...
The last few years have witnessed an enormous interest in application of GIS in hydrology and water resources. This is partly evidenced by organizatio...
Since the pioneering work of Shannon in the late 1940's on the development of the theory of entropy and the landmark contributions of Jaynes a decade later leading to the development of the principle of maximum entropy (POME), the concept of entropy has been increasingly applied in a wide spectrum of areas, including chemistry, electronics and communications engineering, data acquisition and storage and retreival, data monitoring network design, ecology, economics, environmental engineering, earth sciences, fluid mechanics, genetics, geology, geomorphology, geophysics, geotechnical...
Since the pioneering work of Shannon in the late 1940's on the development of the theory of entropy and the landmark contributions of Jaynes a decade ...
The Brahmaputra River is a precious gift of Nature to India and especially to its northeast region. The meaning of this gift becomes evident immediately when one considers the vastness of water resources which the Brahmaputra River basin possesses. Nearly 30% of India's water resources potential and 41% of the country's total hydropower potential are found in this basin. In terms of the average discharge, the Brahmaputra River is the fifth largest river in the world. Traversing a distance of about 2,900 kilometers from Tibet at an elevation of 5,150 meters to the Bay of Bengal and draining an...
The Brahmaputra River is a precious gift of Nature to India and especially to its northeast region. The meaning of this gift becomes evident immediate...
India is endowed with varied topographical features, such as high mountains, extensive plateaus, and wide plains traversed by mighty rivers. Water is an important input in the socio-economic development of a nation. In India, this dependence is even more apparent, as 70% of her population is dependent on agriculture.
Divided into four sections the book provides a comprehensive overview of water resources of India. Beginning with a general description of the country, major hydrologic features, such as climate (precipitation, temperature, radiation, etc.), streamflow, groundwater,...
India is endowed with varied topographical features, such as high mountains, extensive plateaus, and wide plains traversed by mighty rivers. Water ...
Floods constitute a persistent and serious problem throughout the United States and many other parts of the world. They are responsible for losses amounting to billions of dollars and scores of deaths annually. Virtually all parts of the nation--coastal, moun tainous and rural--are affected by them. Two aspects of the problem of flooding that have long been topics of scientific inquiry are flood frequency and risk analyses. Many new, even improved, tech niques have recently been developed for performing these analyses. Nevertheless, actual experience points out that the frequency of say a...
Floods constitute a persistent and serious problem throughout the United States and many other parts of the world. They are responsible for losses amo...
Water is vital for life. Since the dawn of civilization, much effort has been made to harness sources of fresh water. Recent years have raised global awareness of the need for increasing demand of water worldwide, largely because of growing population, rising standard of living, higher demand for energy, and greater appreciation for environmental quality. As an example, the world population has increased threefold in the past five decades. In order to meet the rising water demand, water resources are being developed by building large dams, reservoirs, barrages and weirs across rivers...
Water is vital for life. Since the dawn of civilization, much effort has been made to harness sources of fresh water. Recent years have raised global ...
Vijay P. Singh Pratap Singh Umesh Kumar Haritashya
The earth's cryosphere, which includes snow, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, ice shelves, sea ice, river and lake ice, and permafrost, contains about 75% of the earth's fresh water. It exists at almost all latitudes, from the tropics to the poles, and plays a vital role in controlling the global climate system. It also provides direct visible evidence of the effect of climate change, and, therefore, requires proper understanding of its complex dynamics.
This encyclopedia mainly focuses on the various aspects of snow, ice and glaciers, but also covers other cryospheric branches, and...
The earth's cryosphere, which includes snow, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, ice shelves, sea ice, river and lake ice, and permafrost, contains abo...