Interest in indoor air quality (IAQ) is growing at public, political and scientific levels. Complaints about poor IAQ, associated with acute symptoms such as mucous irritation, headaches and bad odor occur frequently, particularly in the office environment, where typical patterns of symptoms often occur, leading to the coining of the term Sick Building Syndrome'. In the present book, internationally known experts address the following issues:
the dynamics of the indoor environment and strategies for indoor measurement
chemical and microbiological pollution, important...
Interest in indoor air quality (IAQ) is growing at public, political and scientific levels. Complaints about poor IAQ, associated with acute symptoms ...
Interest in indoor air quality (IAQ) is growing at public, political and scientific levels. Complaints about poor IAQ, associated with acute symptoms such as mucous irritation, headaches and bad odor occur frequently, particularly in the office environment, where typical patterns of symptoms often occur, leading to the coining of the term Sick Building Syndrome'. In the present book, internationally known experts address the following issues:
the dynamics of the indoor environment and strategies for indoor measurement
chemical and microbiological pollution, important...
Interest in indoor air quality (IAQ) is growing at public, political and scientific levels. Complaints about poor IAQ, associated with acute symptoms ...