This is a systematic and comprehensive introduction both to compositional proof methods for the state-based verification of concurrent programs, such as the assumption-commitment and rely-guarantee paradigms, and to noncompositional methods, whose presentation culminates in an exposition of the communication-closed-layers (CCL) paradigm for verifying network protocols. Compositional concurrency verification methods reduce the verification of a concurrent program to the independent verification of its parts. If those parts are tightly coupled, one additionally needs verification methods based...
This is a systematic and comprehensive introduction both to compositional proof methods for the state-based verification of concurrent programs, such ...
The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the important and highly applicable method of data refinement and the simulation methods used for proving its correctness. The authors concentrate in the first part on the general principles needed to prove data refinement correct. They begin with an explanation of the fundamental notions, showing that data refinement proofs reduce to proving simulation. The topics of Hoare Logic and the Refinement Calculus are introduced and a general theory of simulations is developed and related to them. Accessibility and...
The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the important and highly applicable method of data refinement and t...