- Tournant deliberatif -, - imperatif participatif -: aujourd hui, nombreux sont les citoyens, decideurs et chercheurs qui voient dans la participation un moyen d approfondir et de revitaliser le processus democratique. Cependant, les dispositifs concrets qui visent a associer a un meme processus (de connaissance ou de decision) des parties prenantes aux interets divergents relevent encore largement de l experimentation. Qu est-ce qui fait le succes ou l echec d une experience participative ? Selon quels criteres l evaluer ? Comment concevoir des dispositifs qui - tiennent - ? Davantage...
- Tournant deliberatif -, - imperatif participatif -: aujourd hui, nombreux sont les citoyens, decideurs et chercheurs qui voient dans la participatio...
"'I will say this only once, Avenger, so listen well. If you do not aid your friend in his hour of need, then you are no better than those who hold him prisoner in the everlasting darkness.' "
You have proven yourself victorious on the battlefield and repulsed the dark forces of evil from your fair city. But now a more subtle evil stirs. Your friend and comrade, Glaivas, is somewhere in the Rift, held ransom against the Sceptre that is your badge of rulership. Do you dare risk everything you have achieved to rescue your friend? The darkened honeycomb tunnels of the Rift hold danger and...
"'I will say this only once, Avenger, so listen well. If you do not aid your friend in his hour of need, then you are no better than those who hold...