Numerical analysis is an increasingly important link between pure mathematics and its application in science and technology. This textbook provides an introduction to the justification and development of constructive methods that provide sufficiently accurate approximations to the solution of numerical problems, and the analysis of the influence that errors in data, finite-precision calculations, and approximation formulas have on results, problem formulation and the choice of method. It also serves as an introduction to scientific programming in MATLAB, including many simple and difficult,...
Numerical analysis is an increasingly important link between pure mathematics and its application in science and technology. This textbook provides an...
Numerical analysis is an increasingly important link between pure mathematics and its application in science and technology. This textbook provides an introduction to the justification and development of constructive methods that provide sufficiently accurate approximations to the solution of numerical problems, and the analysis of the influence that errors in data, finite-precision calculations, and approximation formulas have on results, problem formulation and the choice of method. It also serves as an introduction to scientific programming in MATLAB, including many simple and difficult,...
Numerical analysis is an increasingly important link between pure mathematics and its application in science and technology. This textbook provides an...
Theformulationofmanypracticalproblemsnaturallyinvolvesconstraintsonthe variables entering the mathematical model of a real-life situation to be analyzed. It is of great interest to ?nd the possible scenarios satisfying all constraints, and, iftherearemanyofthem, eitherto?ndthebestsolution, ortoobtainacompact, explicit representation of the whole feasible set. The 2nd Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint S- isfaction, COCOS 2003, which took place during November 18 21, 2003 in L- sanne, Switzerland, was dedicated to theoretical, algorithmic, and application oriented...
Theformulationofmanypracticalproblemsnaturallyinvolvesconstraintsonthe variables entering the mathematical model of a real-life situation to be analyz...
Ever since the discovery of the five platonic solids in ancient times, the study of symmetry and regularity has been one of the most fascinating aspects of mathematics. Quite often the arithmetical regularity properties of an object imply its uniqueness and the existence of many symmetries. This interplay between regularity and symmetry properties of graphs is the theme of this book. Starting from very elementary regularity properties, the concept of a distance-regular graph arises naturally as a common setting for regular graphs which are extremal in one sense or another. Several other...
Ever since the discovery of the five platonic solids in ancient times, the study of symmetry and regularity has been one of the most fascinating aspec...