A summary of the proceedings of the Third Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meeting, held at Il Ciocco, Tuscany in October 1994, under the auspices of EUROCARB, the European Community Concerted Action for Arthritis and Carbohydrate Research. In 31 papers, leading academic and commercial researche
A summary of the proceedings of the Third Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meeting, held at Il Ciocco, Tuscany in October 1994, under the auspices...
Glycoimmunology, the studyofthe oligosaccharide components ofglycoconjugates as an integral component ofthe immune system, has opened up a rapidly evolving field. It draws from a broad spectrum of technologies, ranging from classical synthetic organic chemistry, to molecular biology and beyond. The structural microheterogenity ofoligosac- charides found on glycoproteins and glycolipids is immense and reflects the enormous inherent structural diversity of these carbohydrate side chains and their ability to encode information. In this respect glycoimmunology represents an exciting and...
Glycoimmunology, the studyofthe oligosaccharide components ofglycoconjugates as an integral component ofthe immune system, has opened up a rapidly evo...