This is a brief but highly detailed and useful reference book for professional psychotherapists. It is ideal for practicing clinicians whose jobs involve the selection of appropriate therapeutic procedures for various patients.
This is a brief but highly detailed and useful reference book for professional psychotherapists. It is ideal for practicing clinicians whose jobs invo...
Self-help is big business, but alas not a scienti c business. The estimated 10 billion--that's with a "b"--spent each year on self-help in the United States is rarely guided by research or monitored by mental health professionals. Instead, marketing and metaphysics triumph. The more outrageous the "miraculous cure" and the "r- olutionary secret," the better the sales. Of the 3,000 plus self-help books published each year, only a dozen contain controlled research documenting their effectiveness as stand-alone self-help. Of the 20,000 plus psychological and relationship web sites available on...
Self-help is big business, but alas not a scienti c business. The estimated 10 billion--that's with a "b"--spent each year on self-help in the United ...
Self-help is big business, but alas not a scienti c business. The estimated 10 billion that s with a b spent each year on self-help in the United States is rarely guided by research or monitored by mental health professionals. Instead, marketing and metaphysics triumph. The more outrageous the miraculous cure and the r- olutionary secret, the better the sales. Of the 3,000 plus self-help books published each year, only a dozen contain controlled research documenting their effectiveness as stand-alone self-help. Of the 20,000 plus psychological and relationship web sites available on the...
Self-help is big business, but alas not a scienti c business. The estimated 10 billion that s with a b spent each year on self-help in the United Stat...