This book is about ecofeminism and its encounter with theology, predominantly that of Christian theology in Euro-western contexts. It introduces and explores ecofeminism and the encounter. The goal is to understand the significance and implications of ecofeminism and its contribution and challenge to theology. A further goal is to assist ecofeminist theology, or theologies, to be more effective in preventing ecological ruin, assisting women's struggles for freedom and supporting the flourishing of all life on earth.
Ecofeminism represents ways of discerning associations of many...
This book is about ecofeminism and its encounter with theology, predominantly that of Christian theology in Euro-western contexts. It introduces an...
This work discusses ecofeminism in the context of the social, political and ecological consequences of globalization. It includes case studies, essays, theoretical works, and articles on ecofeminist movements from regions including Taiwan, Mexico, Chile, India, and Brazil.
This work discusses ecofeminism in the context of the social, political and ecological consequences of globalization. It includes case studies, essays...
No puedes escapar los resultados de tus pensamientos. Lo que piensas es experimentado en tu vida. Si tus pensamientos estan llenos de rabia, experimentaras rabia en tu vida. Por el contrario, si entiendes amor absoluto y lo vives, encontraras paz y alegria. El sufrimiento que experimentamos es basicamente debido a que sostenemos nuestros dolores pasados, nuestros resentimientos y rabia. Mientras nos quedamos en el pasado, con nuestra manera de pensar, sufriremos. Mientras las culturas del mundo se mantienen encerrados en sus sistemas, en que ya no trabajan para sus ciudadanos, las personas de...
No puedes escapar los resultados de tus pensamientos. Lo que piensas es experimentado en tu vida. Si tus pensamientos estan llenos de rabia, experimen...
This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (H-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for each) by authors described in the book as well as other recommended authors. An Extraordinary work three volumes of over 4000 entries including bibliography and webliography. The main encyclopedic text includes around 4,000 entries. It gives a brief description or definition of each entry and tries to point the reader to the source of more information, such as books and websites or to other related entries. The people described herein, half of whom...
This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (H-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for eac...
This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (G-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for each) by authors described in the book as well as other recommended authors. An Extraordinary work three volumes of over 4000 entries including bibliography and webliography. The main encyclopedic text includes around 4,000 entries. It gives a brief description or definition of each entry and tries to point the reader to the source of more information, such as books and websites or to other related entries. The people described herein, half of whom...
This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (G-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for eac...
This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (G-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for each) by authors described in the book as well as other recommended authors. An Extraordinary work three volumes of over 4000 entries including bibliography and webliography. The main encyclopedic text includes around 4,000 entries. It gives a brief description or definition of each entry and tries to point the reader to the source of more information, such as books and websites or to other related entries. The people described herein, half of whom...
This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (G-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for eac...
Thomas Berry had a gentle yet mesmerizing and luminescent presence that was evident to anyone who spent time with him. His intellectual scope and erudite manner were compelling, and the breadth, depth, clarity, and elegance of his vision was breathtaking. Berry was an intellectual giant and cultural visionary of extraordinary stature. Thomas Berry's vast knowledge of history, religions, and cultural histories is a unique blend revealing a genuine, original thinker. The ecological crisis, in all its manifestations, came to dominate Berry's concerns. He perceived that the greatest need was to...
Thomas Berry had a gentle yet mesmerizing and luminescent presence that was evident to anyone who spent time with him. His intellectual scope and erud...
The Book of Herbs and Magic is about herbs traditionally used in white magic for spiritual cleaning, luck, protection, love and other spiritual purposes. It deals with herbs and their uses in incenses, oils and ritual baths. It provides guidelines for the preparation and execution of magical spiritual rituals. It also includes information on astrology, colors in magic, magic with candles, gems and metals.
The Book of Herbs and Magic is about herbs traditionally used in white magic for spiritual cleaning, luck, protection, love and other spiritual purpos...
Thomas Berry had a gentle yet mesmerizing and luminescent presence that was evident to anyone who spent time with him. His intellectual scope and erudite manner were compelling, and the breadth, depth, clarity, and elegance of his vision was breathtaking. Berry was an intellectual giant and cultural visionary of extraordinary stature. Thomas Berry's vast knowledge of history, religions, and cultural histories is a unique blend revealing a genuine, original thinker. The ecological crisis, in all its manifestations, came to dominate Berry's concerns. He perceived that the greatest need was to...
Thomas Berry had a gentle yet mesmerizing and luminescent presence that was evident to anyone who spent time with him. His intellectual scope and erud...
This book considers nonviolence in relationship to specific social, political, ecological and spiritual issues. Through case studies and examinations of social resistance, gender, the arts, and education, it provides specialists and non-specialists with a solid introduction to the importance and relevance of nonviolence in various contexts.
This book considers nonviolence in relationship to specific social, political, ecological and spiritual issues. Through case studies and examinations ...