Wiley's Remediation Technologies Handbook: Major Contaminant Chemicals and Chemical Groups, extracted from the Enviroglobe database, consists of 368 chemicals and chemical groups. This book lists in alphabetical order these chemical and chemical groups along with the numerous technologies, many of which are patented, or trademarked techniques, to remediate them. A short description of each of these technologies is provided along with appropriate references. Wiley's Remediation Technologies Handbook: Major Contaminant Chemicals and Chemical Groups
Covers the most...
Wiley's Remediation Technologies Handbook: Major Contaminant Chemicals and Chemical Groups, extracted from the Enviroglobe database, consists o...
A comprehensive resource for information about different technologies and methods to measure and analyze contamination of air, water, and soil. * Serves as a technical reference in the field of environmental science and engineering * Includes information on instrumentation used for measurement and control of effluents and emissions from industrial facilities that can directly influence the environment * Focuses on applications, making it a practical reference tool
A comprehensive resource for information about different technologies and methods to measure and analyze contamination of air, water, and soil. ...
The single greatest reservoir of usable water for man lies underground. Its location, management, protection and remediation have been a central focus of hydrology for much of the past century. Experts throughout the world have covered this subject, in unimagined detail. Ground water remains unseen but no longer unknown, and now amazingly well defined in every aspect of quality and quantity, development, protection and remediation.
The single greatest reservoir of usable water for man lies underground. Its location, management, protection and remediation have been a central focus...
Maximizing the use of our visible surface supplies in light of their greatest need in agriculture presents an enormous challenge throughout the world. New techniques in agricultural applications to preserve resources and increase yields are featured. Dams, lakes, and hydraulic features of surface water systems are amply covered, along with the importance of storm water management to growing communities.
Maximizing the use of our visible surface supplies in light of their greatest need in agriculture presents an enormous challenge throughout the world....
This volume deals with the big picture of regional water supplies, how they become contaminated, how they can be protected and how they can best serve the surrounding populations and industries. Significant focus is placed upon the natural chemistry of available water supplies and its biological impacts. Case studies from regions around the world offer an excellent picture of the world's water resources.
This volume deals with the big picture of regional water supplies, how they become contaminated, how they can be protected and how they can best serve...
Leading experts in water-related fields have come together to make Water Encyclopedia a one-stop, comprehensive reference about the world s most important natural resource. It covers designated topics in a clear concise and authoritative manner. The treatment is practical in orientation, keeping in mind the needs of the users. Theory is included only where required for an understanding of the topic.
Leading experts in water-related fields have come together to make Water Encyclopedia a one-stop, comprehensive reference about the world s most impor...
Potassium chloride is a logical alternative to sodium chloride in water softening. Water Softening with Potassium Chloride provides a thorough overview of the process, the equipment, and the techniques used. Then it compiles diverse trade and technical data on water softening with potassium chloride so readers can make informed decisions.
Potassium chloride is a logical alternative to sodium chloride in water softening. Water Softening with Potassium Chloride provides a thorough overvie...
Offering the time-saving guidance of leading specialists in the field, Handbook of Complex Environmental Remediation Problems introduces you to today's best methods of cleaning up hazardous waste. This comprehensive tool from Jay Lehr, Marve Hyman, Tyler Gass and William Seevers gives you a comprehensive review of every current engineering solution, and provides expert help with waste minimization and pollution prevention. Featuring both US and international applications, the Handbook is a vital on-the-job tool for environmental engineers,...
A-Z guide to hazardous waste clean-up
Offering the time-saving guidance of leading specialists in the field, Handbook of Complex Environme...
The A-to-Z reference resource for nuclear energy information
A significant milestone in the history of nuclear technology, Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia: Science, Technology, and Applications is a comprehensive and authoritative reference guide written by a committee of the world's leading energy experts.
The encyclopedia is packed with cutting-edge information about where nuclear energy science and technology came from, where they are today, and what the future may hold for this vital technology. Filled with figures, graphs, diagrams, formulas, and photographs, which...
The A-to-Z reference resource for nuclear energy information
A significant milestone in the history of nuclear technology, Nuclear Energy...