Petra Schurmann und Dr. med. Gerhard Freund berichten, wie sie mit der Nahrungssubstanz NADH die schlimmste Krise ihres Lebens meisterten.NADH wird von Prominenten und Spitzensportler geschatzt.
Petra Schurmann und Dr. med. Gerhard Freund berichten, wie sie mit der Nahrungssubstanz NADH die schlimmste Krise ihres Lebens meisterten.NADH wird vo...
The natural anti-ageing remedy NADH makes you both feel and look younger. NADH (also called Co-Enzyme 1) extends the lifetime of our cells and can also prevent deficiencies and illness in the body. NADH is the only substance which, as of yet, has been scientifically proven to raise the level of energy in our cells. More energy in the cells = longer cell lifetime = look younger into old age. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that an increasing number of doctors, alternative practitioners and beauticians recommend NADH, which has been one of the best-selling anti-ageing remedies in the United...
The natural anti-ageing remedy NADH makes you both feel and look younger. NADH (also called Co-Enzyme 1) extends the lifetime of our cells and can als...