More than 200 million years ago, a cataclysmic event known as the Permian extinction destroyed more than 90% of all species and nearly 97% of all living things. Its origins have long been a puzzle for paleontologists, and during the 1990s and the early part of this century a great battle was fought between those who thought that death had come from above and those who thought something more complicated was at work.
Paleontologist Peter D. Ward, fresh from helping prove that an asteroid had killed the dinosaurs, turned to the Permian problem, and he has come to a stunning conclusion....
More than 200 million years ago, a cataclysmic event known as the Permian extinction destroyed more than 90% of all species and nearly 97% of all l...
n November 12, 2002, Dr. John Chambers of the NASA Ames - search Center gave a seminar to the Astrobiology Group at the OUniversity of Washington. The audience of about 100 listened with rapt attention as Chambers described results from a computer study of how planetary systems form. The goal of his research was to answer a dec- tively simple question: How often would newly forming planetary systems produce Earth-like planets, given a star the size of our own sun? By "Ear- like" Chambers meant a rocky planet with water on its surface, orbiting within a star's "habitable zone. " This...
n November 12, 2002, Dr. John Chambers of the NASA Ames - search Center gave a seminar to the Astrobiology Group at the OUniversity of Washington. The...
I n modem times, science has brought the past-and so many of its creatures-back to life via intellectual inquiry, application of the scientific method, and some extraordinary technology that has recently been devel oped. The wonder of the process is that such a rich and vivid understanding of the deep past has been generated from such scanty evidence: broken bones, lithified shells, fossil leaves, and even simple layered rocks. The sci entists who have contributed to this work have woven rich tapestries of an cient times, and their weaving, which is an adventure in itself, is the subject of...
I n modem times, science has brought the past-and so many of its creatures-back to life via intellectual inquiry, application of the scientific method...
Sind wir allein im Universum? Auf diese Frage geben der Geologe Peter D. Ward und der Astrobiologe Donald Brownlee uberraschende Antworten. Sie widersprechen der allgemeinen Annahme, dass hoher entwickeltes Leben ausserhalb der Erde existiert, vielleicht sogar weit verbreitet ist. Auf der Suche nach Leben im Universum nehmen sie den Leser mit auf eine spannende Reise von den heissen vulkanischen Quellen des Ozeanbodens bis zu dem frostigen Antlitz von Europa, dem Jupiter-Mond. Dabei lernt der Leser, dass niedrig entwickeltes Leben vielleicht weiter verbreitet ist, als bisher angenommen, die...
Sind wir allein im Universum? Auf diese Frage geben der Geologe Peter D. Ward und der Astrobiologe Donald Brownlee uberraschende Antworten. Sie widers...