Recent advances in our understanding of the human brain suggest that adolescence is a unique period of development during which both environmental and genetic influences can leave a lasting impression. To advance the goal of integrating brain and prevention science, two areas of research which do not usually communicate with one another, the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Adolescent Risk Communication Institute held a conference with the purpose of producing an integrated volume on this interdisciplinary area. Presenters/chapter contributors were asked to address two questions: What...
Recent advances in our understanding of the human brain suggest that adolescence is a unique period of development during which both environmental and...
Recent advances in our understanding of the human brain suggest that adolescence is a unique period of development during which both environmental and genetic influences can leave a lasting impression. To advance the goal of integrating brain and prevention science, two areas of research which do not usually communicate with one another, the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Adolescent Risk Communication Institute held a conference with the purpose of producing an integrated volume on this interdisciplinary area. Presenters/chapter contributors were asked to address two questions: What...
Recent advances in our understanding of the human brain suggest that adolescence is a unique period of development during which both environmental and...
Current policies treat adolescent risk behaviours such as teen sex, substance abuse and gambling as separate problems requiring separate solutions, ignoring the overlap of many risk behaviours. Reducing Adolescent Risk seeks to move beyond the fractured approach of preventing one behaviour at a time and suggests more comprehensive prevention strategies. It challenges researchers who study risk behaviours as separate problems to identify what is known about common pathways and influences on adolescent risk behaviour to help build intervention strategies that can reduce more than one risk at a...
Current policies treat adolescent risk behaviours such as teen sex, substance abuse and gambling as separate problems requiring separate solutions, ig...
The presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 were two of the most contested and dramatic in our nation's history. During the election seasons of 2000 and 2004, the Annenberg Public Policy Center conducted the largest studies ever undertaken of the American electorate--the National Annenberg Election Survey (NAES). Capturing Campaign Dynamics, 2000 and 2004 provides the data from these two surveys to the general public as well as useful tools for analyzing and interpreting the findings.
Featuring rolling cross-sectional analysis, this book walks researchers through different...
The presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 were two of the most contested and dramatic in our nation's history. During the election seasons of 200...
Adolescents are eager consumers of mass media entertainment and are particularly susceptible to various forms of media influence, such as modeling, desensitization, and contagion. These once controversial phenomena are now widely accepted along with the recognition that th media are a major socializer of youth
During the economic boom of the post-World War II era, marketers and advertisers identified adolescents as a major audience, which led to the emergence of a pervasive youth culture. Enormous changes ensued in the media's portrayal of adolescents and the behaviors they emulate. These...
Adolescents are eager consumers of mass media entertainment and are particularly susceptible to various forms of media influence, such as modeling, de...
While it is widely accepted that we are products of our genes and environment, misconceptions about the power of genes to control our destiny continue to dominate our discourse. This volume contains the latest theories and evidence supporting the highly dynamic inter-relation between genes and environments as they influence the development, mental health, and substance use of adolescents. Written by researchers who are leading the way toward this new understanding, this text provides overviews and analysis of this emerging field. The chapters discuss the latest approaches to gene-environment...
While it is widely accepted that we are products of our genes and environment, misconceptions about the power of genes to control our destiny continue...
Media and the Well-Being of Children and Adolescents brings together many of the field's most important scholars and media professionals to present cutting-edge theory and empirical research on both the benefits and risks to youth development. It examines the role that media play in the every-day lives of young people and their families, and considers both traditional media such as television and movies as well as "new" digital media, such as video games, cell phones, and the Internet.
The volume is divided into four parts. Part One provides up-to-date trends on children and...
Media and the Well-Being of Children and Adolescents brings together many of the field's most important scholars and media professionals to p...