1939. Dr. Klaus Renner, a world-renowned professor returns to Berlin after a twenty-year absence. He is reunited with an old colleague, Max Schmidt, employed by Humboldt University...and the Nazi Abwehr. In the course of a casual dinner conversation, he convinces Renner of the importance of eliminating Great Britain from the conflict that will surely soon engulf Europe. Soon after, following the outbreak of war, Schmidt disappears and Renner is quick to make the connection between the man
1939. Dr. Klaus Renner, a world-renowned professor returns to Berlin after a twenty-year absence. He is reunited with an old colleague, Max Schmidt, e...
1939. Dr. Klaus Renner, a world-renowned professor returns to Berlin after a twenty-year absence. He is reunited with an old colleague, Max Schmidt, employed by Humboldt University...and the Nazi Abwehr. In the course of a casual dinner conversation, he convinces Renner of the importance of eliminating Great Britain from the conflict that will surely soon engulf Europe. Soon after, following the outbreak of war, Schmidt disappears and Renner is quick to make the connection between the man
1939. Dr. Klaus Renner, a world-renowned professor returns to Berlin after a twenty-year absence. He is reunited with an old colleague, Max Schmidt, e...