Continuing their cosmic crusade among the stars, the Golden Amazon and her three companions discover a planet in another space where intelligent beings are being created, not through normal biological processes, but spontaneously, fully-grown, fashioned from the very chemicals of another planet. The mystery deepens when they discover that the synthetic race (and the planet it inhabits) is evolving backwards! Determined to solve these mysteries, the Crusaders find themselves up against the Mithons, a sadistic alien race led by a being known as the Supreme One. In the ensuing battle of science...
Continuing their cosmic crusade among the stars, the Golden Amazon and her three companions discover a planet in another space where intelligent being...
John Russell Fearn (1908-1960) was an extremely prolific and popular British writer, who began in the American pulps, then almost single-handedly drove the post-World War II boom in British publishing with a flood of science fiction, detective stories, westerns, and adventure fiction. He employed numerous pseudonyms, such as Vargo Statten, Volstead Gridban, Hugo Blayn, Thorton Ayre, Polton Cross, Geoffrey Armstrong, Dennis Clive, John Cotton, Ephriam Winiki, Spike Gordon, and many others. He is noted for such grandly extravagant science fiction as _The Intelligence Gigantic_ and _The Liners...
John Russell Fearn (1908-1960) was an extremely prolific and popular British writer, who began in the American pulps, then almost single-handedly drov...