This book argues that the growing AIDS pandemic not only has important health and development ramifications, but is rapidly evolving into an international security issue as well. Drawing primarily on examples from Africa and Asia, the study contends that they only mark the beginning of a more pervasive challenge that is likely to unfold over several decades unless greater international efforts to address the pandemic are taken.
This book argues that the growing AIDS pandemic not only has important health and development ramifications, but is rapidly evolving into an internati...
There has been a deliberative, but as yet unsuccessful, attempt by scholars and policy makers to articulate a more meaningful idea of Europe, which would enhance the legitimacy of the European Union and provide the basis for a European identity. Using a detailed analysis of the writings of Nietzsche, Elbe seeks to address this problem and argues that Nietzsche's thinking about Europe can significantly illuminate our understanding. He demonstrates how Nietzsche's critique of nationalism and the notion of the 'good European' can assist contemporary scholars in the quest for a vision of Europe...
There has been a deliberative, but as yet unsuccessful, attempt by scholars and policy makers to articulate a more meaningful idea of Europe, which wo...
Bound up with the human cost of HIV/AIDS is the critical issue of its impact on national and international security, yet attempts to assess the pandemic's complex risk fail to recognize the political dangers of construing the disease as a security threat. The securitization of HIV/AIDS not only affects the discussion of the disease in international policy debates, but also transforms the very nature and function of security within global politics.
In his analysis of the security implications of HIV/AIDS, Stefan Elbe addresses three concerns: the empirical evidence that justifies framing...
Bound up with the human cost of HIV/AIDS is the critical issue of its impact on national and international security, yet attempts to assess the pandem...
Every era, it is said, has its defining malady. What will be ours? In this cutting-edge book Stefan Elbe explores a whole host of diverse global health issues from pandemics and bio-weapons to endemic and 'lifestyle' diseases, which are now being tackled by governments and international institutions through the prism of security.
Every era, it is said, has its defining malady. What will be ours? In this cutting-edge book Stefan Elbe explores a whole host of diverse global healt...
Every era, it is said, has its defining malady. What will be ours? Will it be a new human pandemic caused by an animal-borne infectious disease, such as swine flu? Will it be a lethal microbe like anthrax deliberately released by terrorists bent on causing mass civilian casualties? Or will it be one of our new 'lifestyle' diseases - the epidemics of smoking, obesity and excessive alcohol consumption that threaten to engulf modern societies? Perhaps our era will even be remembered for its tragic neglect of certain health issues - endemic diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS that...
Every era, it is said, has its defining malady. What will be ours? Will it be a new human pandemic caused by an animal-borne infectious disease, such ...
Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Sport - Bewegungs- und Trainingslehre, Note: 1,5, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg, 96 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nach wissenschaftlichen Beweisen fur die erwarteten Effekte von Dehnung auf Verletzungen und Leistungsfahigkeit gesucht, aus denen Empfehlungen fur den sinnvollen Einsatz von Dehnungstechniken in der Praxis abgeleitet werden sollen. Es ist das Ziel des systematischen Reviews, durch eine Recherche in Literaturdatenbanken und eine Handsuche in medizinischen...
Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Sport - Bewegungs- und Trainingslehre, Note: 1,5, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg, 96 Quellen ...
There has been a deliberative, but as yet unsuccessful, attempt by scholars and policy makers to articulate a more meaningful idea of Europe, which would enhance the legitimacy of the European Union and provide the basis for a European identity. Using a detailed analysis of the writings of Nietzsche, Elbe seeks to address this problem and argues that Nietzsche's thinking about Europe can significantly illuminate our understanding. He demonstrates how Nietzsche's critique of nationalism and the notion of the 'good European' can assist contemporary scholars in the quest for a vision of Europe...
There has been a deliberative, but as yet unsuccessful, attempt by scholars and policy makers to articulate a more meaningful idea of Europe, which wo...