In Penrod and Sam, the imaginative adventures of Tarkington's 10-year-old Penrod Schofield continue. Penrod's sidekick is Samuel Williams, and together they improvise, causing general mischief and disorder wherever they go. In picaresque fashion, a fencing battle takes them all through the neighborhood; they narrowly escape serious injury while making boastful demonstrations with a loaded gun; they indulge in dubious "'nishiation" practices for their secret society; they steal food for the starving horse concealed in the Schofields' empty stable; they attempt to fish a cat out of a cistern...
In Penrod and Sam, the imaginative adventures of Tarkington's 10-year-old Penrod Schofield continue. Penrod's sidekick is Samuel Williams, and toge...
In Penrod and Sam, the imaginative adventures of Tarkington's 10-year-old Penrod Schofield continue. Penrod's sidekick is Samuel Williams, and together they improvise, causing general mischief and disorder wherever they go. In picaresque fashion, a fencing battle takes them all through the neighborhood; they narrowly escape serious injury while making boastful demonstrations with a loaded gun; they indulge in dubious "'nishiation" practices for their secret society; they steal food for the starving horse concealed in the Schofields' empty stable; they attempt to fish a cat out of a cistern...
In Penrod and Sam, the imaginative adventures of Tarkington's 10-year-old Penrod Schofield continue. Penrod's sidekick is Samuel Williams, and toge...
Penrod and Sam was first published in 1916 and is the sequel to Penrod from 1914. In this book you will follow the hilarious adventures between Penrod Schofield and his best friend Sam Williams. Full of great stories about boyhood and its consequences.
Penrod and Sam was first published in 1916 and is the sequel to Penrod from 1914. In this book you will follow the hilarious adventures between Penrod...
The humorous story the young woman Julia, "the prettiest girl in town," and too kind and gentle to turn anyone down. Each of her lovers lives in the fool's paradise of his own rose-colored imaginaton.
The humorous story the young woman Julia, "the prettiest girl in town," and too kind and gentle to turn anyone down. Each of her lovers lives in the f...