This book looks at the decision of Confederate President Jefferson Davis in November of 1862 to appoint General Joseph E. Johnston to command of the armies in the Department of the West and why that decision failed. It addresses three primary reasons for this failure which were Johnston's unsuitability for the position, Davis's inability to allow a subordinate the appropriate freedom to command, and finally, the difficulties with the command structure of the Department of the West.
This book looks at the decision of Confederate President Jefferson Davis in November of 1862 to appoint General Joseph E. Johnston to command of the a...
Braxton Bragg progressed through a diverse and demanding career to become a military strategist and ultimately General-in- Chief of Confederate States of America (CSA) Armies. General Braxton Bragg devoted over four years, of his life to senior CSA Army leadership positions, mostly in command. He surpassed every general officer in the CSA and Union in holding such a wide range of senior officer responsibilities. Bragg observed closely and operated in and around the operational and strategic environment for the majority of his life. By virtue of his previous duties, assignments, and...
Braxton Bragg progressed through a diverse and demanding career to become a military strategist and ultimately General-in- Chief of Confederate States...
Although the American Civil War occurred over 130 years ago, analyses of failed campaigns provide insight and reinforce the importance of critical warfighting skills for today's strategic leader. Several principles in today's joint doctrine serve as excellent tools to analyze failed campaigns. This book analyzes and identifies some of the reasons the Confederate Vicksburg Campaign failed. The book examines Jefferson Davis strategy, the Confederate command, control, and communications system, and the quality of the Confederate leadership. This book concludes by showing how these three areas...
Although the American Civil War occurred over 130 years ago, analyses of failed campaigns provide insight and reinforce the importance of critical war...
This book describes the roles, missions, and command relationships of four significant personalities (Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery and Lieutenant Generals Bradley and Patton) of the Allied military coalition prior to and during the Allied breakout from the Normandy peninsula. Specific personalities and personal characteristics that affected coalition relationships are described. The book discusses the strategic and operational advantages of both sides as of August 1, 1944 and gives a brief overview of the actual battle. Specific leadership failures and analysis of those failures and the...
This book describes the roles, missions, and command relationships of four significant personalities (Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery and Lieutenan...
This book reviews the history and accomplishments of Black soldiers during the Civil War. Black soldiers played a pivotal role in the strategy, prosecution, and ultimate conclusion of the War. Their introduction into the United States Armed Forces became possible after the Militia Act of 1862 and the Emancipation Proclamation. The Militia Act of 1862 authorized the enlistment of Negroes as laborers in the North. The Emancipation Proclamation authorized arming Negroes for combat. The more than 181,000 blacks that served with the United States Colored Troops during the Civil War helped turn the...
This book reviews the history and accomplishments of Black soldiers during the Civil War. Black soldiers played a pivotal role in the strategy, prosec...
In June 1950, President Truman committed the United States to the defense of South Korea. Hailed as a brave and decisive move, Truman's decision rested on an uncertain assumption: that the U.S. military was capable of coming to Korea's defense. This assumption was tested immediately and fared poorly: the first U.S. ground unit in combat in Korea, Task Force Smith, engaged the North Koreans and was promptly chewed up. Rather than inspire confidence, the rout of Task Force Smith caused panic. The fate of Task Force Smith so traumatized the Army that even today junior officers are taught that...
In June 1950, President Truman committed the United States to the defense of South Korea. Hailed as a brave and decisive move, Truman's decision reste...
Many, who study the history of our Army, focus on a period in the mid-twentieth century as the time when the Army was integrated. The focal point is the signing of Presidential Executive Order 9981 in 1948 by Harry S. Truman. Though commonly held as pivotal point in the era of the modern Army this is a historical misconception. This line of thought over looks and dilutes the historical involvement of integrated units in the American Revolutionary War. Blacks have been involved in fighting this nation's wars, before there was a standing national army. This book will provide insights on the...
Many, who study the history of our Army, focus on a period in the mid-twentieth century as the time when the Army was integrated. The focal point is t...
Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM were superb examples of the application of military power in support of national policy. Vital U.S. and international interests were protected, and the goals of the international coalition were achieved. This book examines operations executed in the Persian Gulf War from two unique perspectives. First, the author participated in the majority of events described. Second, the author considers not only the U.S. viewpoint but also describes how some of Saddam Hussein's actions were analyzed as they pertained to various situations. The purpose of this book is...
Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM were superb examples of the application of military power in support of national policy. Vital U.S. and internat...
The period of time, 225-202 BC, in the Western Mediterranean, was a crucial turning point in the history of the Western World. The Roman Republic defeated its greatest rival, Carthage, and set the stage for Rome's 600 years domination of the Western World. It determined which culture, Greek/Roman or Semitic/Phoenician, would dominate the development of the Western World. This book will focus on the strategic failure of Carthage and its military leader, Hannibal, during the Second Punic War. It will compare and contrast the national strategies employed by both Rome and Carthage. Carthage...
The period of time, 225-202 BC, in the Western Mediterranean, was a crucial turning point in the history of the Western World. The Roman Republic defe...