A young American infantryman finds himself in a Korean troop train hurrying north to the front early in 1953. Thus begins a story of humor, pathos, horror, bitterness, and a chilling look at the class discrimination whether intended or accidental that created a warrior class of poor, uneducated men to fight a vicious enemy in a forlorn, inhospitable country.
A young American infantryman finds himself in a Korean troop train hurrying north to the front early in 1953. Thus begins a story of humor, pathos, ho...
A young American infantryman finds himself in a Korean troop train hurrying north to the front early in 1953. Thus begins a story of humor, pathos, horror, bitterness, and a chilling look at the class discrimination whether intended or accidental that created a warrior class of poor, uneducated men to fight a vicious enemy in a forlorn, inhospitable country.
A young American infantryman finds himself in a Korean troop train hurrying north to the front early in 1953. Thus begins a story of humor, pathos, ho...