This vintage book contains Christopher Morley s 1922 novel, "Where the Blue Begins." In a society of anthropomorphised canines, Gissing, a debonair young dog about town, adopts some orphaned puppies and begins to yearn for a more meaningful existence than his pleasant life in suburban Canine Estates. Simultaneously a fairy tale, a story about dogs, an allegory, and a satire, this fantastic and thought-provoking story full of beauty and meaning is worthy of a place on any bookshelf, and is highly recommended for fans and collectors of Morley s work. Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957) was an...
This vintage book contains Christopher Morley s 1922 novel, "Where the Blue Begins." In a society of anthropomorphised canines, Gissing, a debonair yo...
This is antiquarian book contains Christopher Morley s 1925 novel, 'Thunder on the Left'. This beautifully written and masterful piece of mystery fiction was a best-seller upon its original release. With its rich language and interior monologues, it is highly reminiscent of the writings of Virginia Woolf. Morley explores maturity, individual growth, and human nature in this gripping volume that is not to be missed by fans and collectors of his work. Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957), was an American novelist, poet, and journalist best known for his true American wit. Some of his better known...
This is antiquarian book contains Christopher Morley s 1925 novel, 'Thunder on the Left'. This beautifully written and masterful piece of mystery fict...
I wanted to call these exercises "Casual Ablutions," in memory of the immortal sign in the washroom of the British Museum, but my arbiter of elegance forbade it. You remember that George Gissing, homeless and penniless on London streets, used to enjoy the lavatory of the Museum Reading Room as a fountain and a shrine. But the flinty hearted trustees, finding him using the wash-stand for bath-tub and laundry, were exceeding wroth, and set up the notice
these basins are for casual ablutions only
I would like to issue the same warning to the implacable reader: these fugitive pieces,...
I wanted to call these exercises "Casual Ablutions," in memory of the immortal sign in the washroom of the British Museum, but my arbiter of elegance ...
The Haunted Bookshop was a delightful place, especially of an evening, when its drowsy alcoves were kindled with the brightness of lamps shining on the rows of volumes. Many a passer-by would stumble down the steps from the street in sheer curiosity; others, familiar visitors, dropped in with the same comfortable emotion that a man feels on entering his club.
The Haunted Bookshop was a delightful place, especially of an evening, when its drowsy alcoves were kindled with the brightness of lamps shining on th...
A charming and entertaining novel that captures the romance of books and bookshops. "When you sell a man a book," says Roger Mifflin, protagonist of this classic bookselling novel, "you don't sell him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue--you sell him a whole new life." The Haunted Bookshop finds Mifflin and his wife, Helen McGill, ensconced in Brooklyn, where they encounter some strange goings-on in their bookstore. The unraveling of the mystery provides a rollicking plot while allowing Mifflin (and Morley) to expound on the delights of reading and the intricacy of the bookseller's...
A charming and entertaining novel that captures the romance of books and bookshops. "When you sell a man a book," says Roger Mifflin, protagonist of t...
Sir Francis Bacon is considered to have been one of the greatest minds to have ever lived. These essays consist of various subjects, giving us a great overview of his thoughts on all facets of life. He did three main releases of The Essays, this edition being a copy of the last one from 1625, when he was in his sixties, containing the most entries.
Sir Francis Bacon is considered to have been one of the greatest minds to have ever lived. These essays consist of various subjects, giving us a gr...
Christopher Morley (1890-1957) was an American poet, novelist, essayist, and journalist. He attended Oxford as a Rhodes scholar. He worked at Doubleday as a publicist and publisher's assistant. Morley was one of the first judges for The Book of The Month Club. Parnassus on Wheels is the story of an adventuresome man who travels through New England in 1915 on his bookwagon, hoping to enlighten numerous communities. He becomes involved in many roadside brawls and heroic escapes in the process.
Christopher Morley (1890-1957) was an American poet, novelist, essayist, and journalist. He attended Oxford as a Rhodes scholar. He worked at Doubleda...
I imagined him in his beloved Brooklyn, strolling in Prospect Park and preaching to chance comers about his gospel of good books. "When you sell a man a book," says Roger Mifflin, the sprite-like book peddler at the center of this classic novella, "you don't sell him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue you sell him a whole new life." In this beguiling but little-known prequel to Christopher Morley's beloved "Haunted Bookshop," the "whole new life" that the traveling bookman delivers to Helen McGill, the narrator of "Parnassus on Wheels," provides the romantic comedy that drives...
I imagined him in his beloved Brooklyn, strolling in Prospect Park and preaching to chance comers about his gospel of good books. "When you sell a...
The Haunted Bookshop is a suspenseful novel set in Brooklyn around the time of the end of World War I. It continues the story of Roger Mifflin, the book seller in Parnassus on Wheels.The title refers to the ghosts of the past that haunt all libraries and bookstores: "the ghosts of all great literature." Throughout the novel Morley, through the character of Roger Mifflin, makes reference to the knowledge and wisdom that one can gain from literature. To the Booksellers Be pleased to know, most worthy, that this little book is dedicated to you in affection and respect. The faults of the...
The Haunted Bookshop is a suspenseful novel set in Brooklyn around the time of the end of World War I. It continues the story of Roger Mifflin, the bo...