Science abounds with problems where the data are noisy and the answer is not a straight line. Semiparametric regression analysis helps make sense of such data in application areas that include engineering, finance, medicine and public health. The book is geared towards researchers and professionals with little background in regression as well as statistically oriented scientists (biostatisticians, econometricians, quantitative social scientists, and epidemiologists) with knowledge of regression and the desire to begin using more flexible semiparametric models. Author resource page: http:...
Science abounds with problems where the data are noisy and the answer is not a straight line. Semiparametric regression analysis helps make sense of s...
It's been over a decade since the first edition of Measurement Error in Nonlinear Models splashed onto the scene, and research in the field has certainly not cooled in the interim. In fact, quite the opposite has occurred. As a result, Measurement Error in Nonlinear Models: A Modern Perspective, Second Edition has been revamped and extensively updated to offer the most comprehensive and up-to-date survey of measurement error models currently available.
What's new in the Second Edition?
. Greatly expanded discussion and applications of Bayesian computation via...
It's been over a decade since the first edition of Measurement Error in Nonlinear Models splashed onto the scene, and research in the field has...
In den letzten Jahren gewinnt die ambulante Versorgung von Palliativpatienten, auch in fortgeschrittenen Stadien ihrer Erkrankung, zunehmend an Bedeutung. Palliativmedizinisch orientierte Notfalle machen etwa 3% aller praklinischen Notfalle aus. Daraus ergibt sich, dass Notarzte und Rettungsdienstmitarbeiter immer ofter mit palliativmedizinisch orientierten Notfallen, Patientenverfugungen und den daraus resultierenden ethischen Problemen konfrontiert werden. Es wurde eine multizentrische Studie durchgefuhrt, in der Notarzte und Rettungsdienstmitarbeiter uber ihre Erfahrungen bezuglich...
In den letzten Jahren gewinnt die ambulante Versorgung von Palliativpatienten, auch in fortgeschrittenen Stadien ihrer Erkrankung, zunehmend an Bedeut...
Financial engineers have access to enormous quantities of data but need powerful methods for extracting quantitative information, particularly about volatility and risks. Key features of this textbook are: illustration of concepts with financial markets and economic data, R Labs with real-data exercises, and integration of graphical and analytic methods for modeling and diagnosing modeling errors. Despite some overlap with the author's undergraduate textbook Statistics and Finance: An Introduction, this book differs from that earlier volume in several important aspects: it is...
Financial engineers have access to enormous quantities of data but need powerful methods for extracting quantitative information, particularly about v...
The new edition of this influential textbook, geared towards graduate or advanced undergraduate students, teaches the statistics necessary for financial engineering. In doing so, it illustrates concepts using financial markets and economic data, R Labs with real-data exercises, and graphical and analytic methods for modeling and diagnosing modeling errors. These methods are critical because financial engineers now have access to enormous quantities of data. To make use of this data, the powerful methods in this book for working with quantitative information, particularly about volatility...
The new edition of this influential textbook, geared towards graduate or advanced undergraduate students, teaches the statistics necessary for fina...
The new edition of this influential textbook, geared towards graduate or advanced undergraduate students, teaches the statistics necessary for financial engineering.
The new edition of this influential textbook, geared towards graduate or advanced undergraduate students, teaches the statistics necessary for financi...