Is every moment a fleeting mess, or an opportunity to experience the precious? Is the nature of man (and woman too) to survive life as an inescapable obstacle course of tricks and treats, or is the nature of man to love and find a unity with life that helps him express it? Is it the purpose of who we are to hope we find it, or is the purpose of each of us something that is already complete, that our life exists to express?
Is every moment a fleeting mess, or an opportunity to experience the precious? Is the nature of man (and woman too) to survive life as an inescapable ...
The history of recruiting citizens to spy on each other in the United States.
Ever since the revelations of whistleblower Edward Snowden, we think about surveillance as the data-tracking digital technologies used by the likes of Google, the National Security Administration, and the military. But in reality, the state and allied institutions have a much longer history of using everyday citizens to spy and inform on their peers. Citizen Spies shows how -If You See Something, Say Something- is more than just a new homeland security program; it has been an...
The history of recruiting citizens to spy on each other in the United States.