Phil Falco, an executive in his late fifties, suddenly finds himself on the unemployment line. Recently divorced, he struggles with alimony, dwindling assets and few prospects. A valuable property at the Jersey Shore should have been his ace in the hole. But a misjudgment made by his best friend Carmine changes everything, drawing Phil into a life and death struggle with the underworld that could cost him his big score. His estranged daughter Lisa, a wannabe actress living in LA, only adds to the chaos. Forced to start over, he returns to Newark, the city he once called home. While he...
Phil Falco, an executive in his late fifties, suddenly finds himself on the unemployment line. Recently divorced, he struggles with alimony, dwindling...
Baseline to Baseline is a book for tennis players that can dramatically improve players' groundstrokes, strategies, knowledge of the game and its equipment. Baseline to Baseline is a tremendous resource for beginners and experienced players.
Baseline to Baseline is a book for tennis players that can dramatically improve players' groundstrokes, strategies, knowledge of the game and its equi...