The imaginary discourses in Guruge's "Voices from Ancient Sri Lanka" come full-circle in the "Serendipity of Andrew George" in which the country, its peoples, and their cultures are explored at the present time. It is unique in its comprehensive approach to the reality of modern Sri Lanka.
The imaginary discourses in Guruge's "Voices from Ancient Sri Lanka" come full-circle in the "Serendipity of Andrew George" in which the country, its ...
Buddhist Answers to Current Issues: Studies in Socially Engaged Humanistic Buddhism. An internationally reputed Buddhist scholar and activist - Vice-President and Liaison Officer to UN and UNESCO of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB); Patron, European Buddhist Union; President, World Buddhist University Council; Honorary Consultative Editor, Encyclopaedia of Buddhism: Professor of Buddhist Studies, Dean of Academic Affairs and Director, International Academy of Buddhism (IAB), University of the West, California, USA; Editor, Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism; Member, UNESCO...
Buddhist Answers to Current Issues: Studies in Socially Engaged Humanistic Buddhism. An internationally reputed Buddhist scholar and activist - Vice-P...
There are few people in the world who can claim anything near the experience of Professor Ananda Guruge. From his childhood under colonial rule to his early adulthood as a government official for the emerging nation of Sri Lanka and finally to mature years on the international stage of UNESCO, he has witnessed the shifting of social, economic, and religious patterns. It would be misleading to say that he has only "witnessed," because his imprint can been found on many of the institutions of his home country, the influence of the UN in international agreements, the representation of Buddhism...
There are few people in the world who can claim anything near the experience of Professor Ananda Guruge. From his childhood under colonial rule to his...