The voices in this volume, those of philosophers from Britain, Europe, America and Australia, speak in different tones of sumpathy and criticism of Winch and his conception of human conditioning.
The voices in this volume, those of philosophers from Britain, Europe, America and Australia, speak in different tones of sumpathy and criticism of Wi...
The Holocaust and attempts to deny it, racism, murder, the case of Mary Bell. How can we include these and countless other examples of evil within our vision of a common humanity? These painful human incongruities are precisely what Raimond Gaita boldly harmonizes in his powerful new book, A Common Humanity. Hatred with forgiveness, evil with love, suffering with compassion, and the mundane with the precious. Gaita asserts that our conception of humanity cannot be based upon the empty language of individual rights when it is our shared feelings of grief, hope, love, guilt, shame...
The Holocaust and attempts to deny it, racism, murder, the case of Mary Bell. How can we include these and countless other examples of evil within our...
Economics can be pretty boring. Drier than Death Valley, the discipline is obsessed with mathematics and compounds this by arrogantly assuming its techniques can be brought to bear on the other social sciences. It wasn't going to be long, therefore, before students started complaining. The vast majority have voted with their feet and signed up for business and management degrees, but in the past two years there has grown an important new movement that has decided to tackle those who think they run economics head-on. This is the Post-autistic Economics Network. The PAE Network started...
Economics can be pretty boring. Drier than Death Valley, the discipline is obsessed with mathematics and compounds this by arrogantly assuming its tec...
Raimond Gaita's Good and Evil is one of the most important, original and provocative books on the nature of morality to have been published in recent years. It is essential reading for anyone interested in what it means to talk about good and evil. Gaita argues that questions about morality are inseparable from the preciousness of each human being, an issue we can only address if we place the idea of remorse at the centre of moral life. Drawing on an astonishing range of thinkers and writers, including Plato, Wittgenstein, George Orwell and Primo Levi, Gaita also reflects on the...
Raimond Gaita's Good and Evil is one of the most important, original and provocative books on the nature of morality to have been publishe...
Raimond Gaita, author of the acclaimed "A Common Humanity" returns with a new edition of "Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception," the book which first sparked off much of the current interest in the topic of "evil." In "Good and Evil," Raimond Gaita draws moral philosophy away from the academic study of ethics and considers instead how real people actually think, talk and feel about morality. He explores our ideas of good and evil, and their link to our respect for human beings and the "preciousness" of each individual. Drawing on work ranging from Plato and Wittgenstein to George Orwell and...
Raimond Gaita, author of the acclaimed "A Common Humanity" returns with a new edition of "Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception," the book which first...
The philosopher Raimond Gaita has always been fascinated by animals- their obvious intelligence and disturbing brutality, their uncanny responsiveness to our moods and needs, the deep feelings they elicit from us and seem to return. In this marvelous, luminous book, Gaita trains the lens of philosophy on the mystery and beauty of the animals he has known and loved best. The Philosopher's Dog is one of those rare works that engage the heart from the very first paragraph and haunt the mind long after one has finished reading.
What does Gaita's dog, Gypsy, think about while she sits...
The philosopher Raimond Gaita has always been fascinated by animals- their obvious intelligence and disturbing brutality, their uncanny responsiveness...
The voices in this volume, those of philosophers from Britain, Europe, America and Australia, speak in different tones of sumpathy and criticism of Winch and his conception of human conditioning.
The voices in this volume, those of philosophers from Britain, Europe, America and Australia, speak in different tones of sumpathy and criticism of Wi...