Flora Tristan (1803-44) was a leading nineteenth-century French social theorist and author who influenced the likes of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Five years before the publication of "The Communist Manifesto, " Tristan urged French workers to put aside occupational and social rivalries in order to unite nationwide. Exhorting the workers to act through union (rather than violence) in quest for a livable minimum wage and other benefits, "The Workers Union" outlines the methods for organizing such a union, the goals of the union, and the reason women s rights must be emphasized in forming...
Flora Tristan (1803-44) was a leading nineteenth-century French social theorist and author who influenced the likes of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels....
Peregrinations d'une paria (titre complet: Peregrinations d'une paria (1833-1834)) est un recit de voyage de la feministe et femme de lettres francaise Flora Tristan, publie en 1838. Le recit autobiographique raconte deux annees de la vie de Flora Tristan passees au Perou."
Peregrinations d'une paria (titre complet: Peregrinations d'une paria (1833-1834)) est un recit de voyage de la feministe et femme de lettres francais...
Flora Tristan was an exceptional woman of the XIX century. She is better known as the grandmother of Paul Gauguin but she deserves recognition for her own life and achievements. She was born in Paris as the illegitimate child of a wealthy peruvian who died when she was three years old. She suffered poverty throughout her childhood and early adulthood but her indomitable spirit made her work towards the improvement of conditions for women and workers in the XIX century. She visited London four times and wrote this book as an observation of what she saw in the social and political scene of...
Flora Tristan was an exceptional woman of the XIX century. She is better known as the grandmother of Paul Gauguin but she deserves recognition for he...