In the debate on the varieties of capitalism, most attention is given to large corporations. If listed on capital markets, they are not only a preferred target of new actors and rules, but are also perceived as a driving force for institutional change and globalization. Most, if not all, institutional features of the distinct versions of capitalism have been analyzed only with regard to this type of enterprise. This book takes the view that European capitalism cannot be understood without taking small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into account. It argues that the neglect of size...
In the debate on the varieties of capitalism, most attention is given to large corporations. If listed on capital markets, they are not only a preferr...
Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economies but they think and act within institutional settings. This book combines both an elite approach with a varieties-of-capitalism approach. Comparing Poland, Hungary and East and West Germany, we perceive the transformations in East Central Europe and in Germany after 1989 as being intertwined.
Based on a joint survey, this book seeks to measure the level of the convergence of ideas among European business leaders, assuming it to be more extensive than the institutional convergence expected under the...
Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economies but they think and act within institutional settings. Th...
Die vorliegende Studie ist eine uberarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung eines Forschungsberichts, welcher im Rahmen der Max-Planck-Arbeitsgruppe "Transformationsprozesse in den neuen Bundeslandern" unter Leitung von Prof. Helmut Wiesenthai an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin entstanden ist. Mein Dank gilt der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, die mir zwischen 1994 und 1996 durch ein Post-Doc-Stipendium diese Forschung ermoglicht hat. Wirt schaftskooperation ist ein schwieriges, mitunter heikles und haufig auch komplexes Feld. Ohne die Gesprachsbereitschaft und Geduld meiner Inter viewpartner ware es...
Die vorliegende Studie ist eine uberarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung eines Forschungsberichts, welcher im Rahmen der Max-Planck-Arbeitsgruppe "Transfo...
Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economies but they think and act within institutional settings. This book combines both an elite approach with a varieties-of-capitalism approach. Comparing Poland, Hungary and East and West Germany, we perceive the transformations in East Central Europe and in Germany after 1989 as being intertwined.
Based on a joint survey, this book seeks to measure the level of the convergence of ideas among European business leaders, assuming it to be more extensive than the institutional convergence expected...
Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economies but they think and act within institutional settings. Th...